It would be great if as many people as possible downloaded and tried the very latest pre-release of Blender and GE with their games.
Rather than finding bugs when 2.43 is actually released, if you could download and run the latest pre-release candidate now and find one, there may be a chance that it might be fixed.
As well as letting the GE team know that some stuff doesn’t work, also let us know if all of, or a large percentage of, your new GE content works as well - we like to hear some happy stories :).
have you thought of making a Linux, BSD bin, or .nix/sources available and NOT a win or mac ones, EVER!!!
You have the power in your hands/brains, just use it!
If anyone around here can’t get Linux, just mail me, I’ll send it for free
It’s assumed that the highly intelligent, and always very friendly, *nix users will know how to get the latest code from the cvs and compile it for themselves.
Us poor Windows and Mac users only have enough power in our brains to download a pre-compiled version.
you’ve missed the point, so, I’ll try to explain:
Blender it’s Open Source and FREE
Bought by a “community” of users and “put” freely available for everyone who
has the interest.
Yes a communist act, as Mr Gates once said.
Blender has become one jewel in the Free Software crown
It’ll be nice to “atract” people to the Free Software movement with Blender
I don’t know if I’m highly inteligent, I’m surely not friendly, but I don’t
know how to compile CVS Blender
I agree that linux builds could be handy, 'cos we do not always have the time to build from CVS (meaning resolving dep problems and so)… and that there is more and more users and not only dev or tech people using linux, like ubuntu users… for the findings of bugs, it’s important to have the biggest number of tester… IMHO …
(so if you have a build for dapper, let me know … )
@OTO - so take a lesson from these great guys doing all this good work - go learn how to compile it, then everytime a CVS is needed to be compiled for Linux - you can do it
You are dearly wrong, and I assure you that many Windows and Mac users build and compile Blender from the CVS everyday. For those of my fellow mac users, you can use my tutorial for compiling Blender from the CVS here. It’s a “for dummies” tutorial so it walks you through every step and explains a lot as well.
Getting back to the actual point of the thread before it was sadly hijacked, I have a question. Is this build a current CVS build (as of date of build) or is it seperate version?
OTO, here is what I do to compile Blender on Linux.
Create a folder to hold the blender source code. I created one called "blender-bf. Enter that directory using a terminal.
Download CVS source code. It really helps if you have cvs installed on your linux box.
If you have cvs installed follow the instructions for grabbing the source HERE. If not then install cvs first.
Download and install scons. This is the nice new build system. On my system it is a memory hog at times and everything stops while it writes to swap. I don’t know why. Maybe python likes to manage memory too much.
Once the cvs is on your system enter the blender-bf/config/ directory and edit the config file for your system. I use the “” file. You can most likely figure out what to add or not and just set the value to “true” of “false”.
To use the GE you need to ADD these two lines into the config file
I do not know why they were missing in my download.
Change directory up to “blender-bf” and if you installed scons, type scons at the command prompt for a fresh blender build.
WARNING: Do you have all libraries and dependencies resolved for options in config?
As and example some open/free “Quicktime” libs fail to work.
You can set the install and build directories at the bottom of the config file. The defaults are:
something that i noticed a little bit ago, but forgot to mention, was that the key board sensor’s key logger does not register the right keys that were pressed.
so if you press the bracket key “[” it instead displays in the target string an equal sign “=”. All of the letter keys are right though.
but otherwise i have noticed no actual bugs with the new version of blender.
did you get my bug report? I think I cced you when i sent it to erwin but maybe used the wrong address, if you didn’t get it email LetterRip AT gmail dot com .
I found a bug with realtime bitmap text display (using 2.43 preview 17). I posted about it on the continousphysics forum already, but I hoping someone can fix it before the 2.43 release, so I’ll post it here, too.
Here’s the problem: With Blender materials turned on and a material assigned to a bitmap text plane, the text plane will display the wrong color at runtime. It seems that the Red value is always displaying 1.0 regardless of the slider value, and the Blue and Green values are switching with each other.
On a related note, the text value is not displaying in the 3D viewport like it did in previous Blender versions. No matter what value you give the Text, it only displays the “@” until you run the game. It is sometimes helpful to be able to see your text before runtime so that the text can be properly positioned. Could that be switched back to the way it used to be?