now where is that ball... including .blender file

here is .blend file: Click here

Ha, thats actually pretty funny and cool. Although i have to say that the clever use of moody colour saved this picture form otherwise being fairly boring.

your right :slight_smile:

nice concept. funneh :]
but i think the best part about this is the material; i opened up the .blend and rendered a suzanne head in your coppery material, and it looks NICE! really awesome job

from what i remember in health class, shouldn’t there be like more?

Hahaha, I should make a sperm one day. Be good for animation practice, eh?

Very cool. Unfortunately, thanks to Makin Bacon, I now see Suzanne being attacked by the metallic sperm and it is an image that will haunt my dreams forever. My God what would such a union produce LOL.