NOX - new free renderer from Evermotion

Rozmiarek an Osx build please!

Well, so far NOX is dedicated for Windows users, it won’t be that multiplatform as Blender is.

I’m not sure about anyone else, but that is a deal breaker for me.

They would need to remove the watermark before I would consider trying it out.

Life is just too short for me to try and figure out how to render with a watermark so that I could crop it out for every single scene that I create.

I wouldn’t be so set on the watermark GeoPappas, I just read some great news by Adam Guzowski :smiley:

So yeah the watermark will be removed in future releases and it will be completely free for all uses, I think a small watermark is only fair to advertise it in the beginning.

IMO, that is great news. I will try it out when I get some time.

I’m especially interested in the statement “Right now NOX is using only CPUs for rendering”, which seems to indicate that they will use the GPU at some point.

The watermark it isn’t a good decision… I don’t believe that anybody takes the time to crop the image for each serious project… if they really wanna make a competitive renderer, they should consider remove that watermark…
But looking promise. The speed it’s ok for an unbiased renderer (at least for architecture and product visualization), and the postproduction options are really complete, I found them even better than maxwell options. The integration it’s ok, and when all the features will be included, it will be a very interesting choice.

Nave anybody else any problems with the material editor on win32? In a 64bits system I had no problem but in my notebook (win7 32 bits) crashes all the time, working on blender or max.

:frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

@NinthJake: Very good news! Thanks for posting.

Oops, I didn’t see the NinthJake’s message… greats news :smiley:

Their fake DoF seems to be quite great, it seems they tackled successfully the artifact problem which we have with the defocus node in Blender. Also the Bokeh designer is great.

is the NOX integration better than luxrender and indigo?

what about the speed vs luxrender and indigo? thea render?

The integration it’s fine ATM, maybe you could miss the material preview in the Blender UI, but running the material editor you can easily solve that problem. The main integration’s deficit is that there isn’t any way to identify the materials in the viewport, and I suppose that it could be a little bit confusing in a big project.

The speed isn’t bad vs luxrender, but is definitively slower than Thea, and it has a worse material editor IMO (and you can’t choose a biased solution).

But come on, the installer size it’s just 7,7mb, just download and try it!

I’m taking that with a grain of salt. Why should Evermotion pay for development of a render engine and just release it for free, what will they gain? There’s always a catch. I see this going down either two ways. Like Indigo where you eventually had to pay for the renderer (when it becomes commercially competitive) or like Kerkythea where the developers created commercial version (Thea renderer), promised to keep updating Kerkythea, but didn’t.

Trust me, I am as skeptic as you are, I have no idea what is going through their minds but they have confirmed that the watermark will disappear and that it will remain free for commercial use even after full release.

I go by the words “If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is” and I feel that there is a loophole somewhere but I honestly can’t think of any :confused:

Well it can also be that they try to address a different business model.
quite many game makers make money not through selling the game but selling secondary products.

I never read anywhere that Kerkythea should be updated and kept alive. When they introduced Thea
they stated that Kerkythea will remain free but not supported anymore.

Could be, but I found it hard to believe that NOX should boost the sales enough to motivate the development of a render engine. I more likely explanation: they new a guy who were doing some cool rendering experimenting, decided to pay him and see how it turns out…

Until NOX is feature complete and still free I’ll remain skeptic. Let’s put it this way: if it is suppose to remain free, why isn’t it open source?


And what about Kerkythea itself? We certainly won’t abandon Kerkythea, our “render buddy”. Most probably though, the shift in priorities will have an impact for the next updates, delaying them further. On the other hand, some related Kerkythea issues will be improved, particularly the integration with modelers (since exporters can be reused). And of course, there will be some long-promised features, that now make their appearance in Thea Render, but will also become available in a next Kerkythea edition.

the thumbnails of the gallery not work for me, but well, i would be like see render times, the first look is very good, Evermotion is one of the more influential companies in the world of 3D (viz arch especially), more known for work with vray for longtime, developing a own free HQ render engine is a knock for ChaosGroup and contribute to a uncertain future for commercial products how vray, maxwell render, indigo render and others

V1k1ngo - when does the crash take place? Just when you switch to material editor or during setting up materials?

People, there’s no catch, it’s free and it’ll stay this way.

Kerkythea got updated some weeks ago (render speed boost)

Greetings Patrick

One of the steps of growing up is to learn that in life there are never free lunches and nobody does something for nothing. If things look “free” it is only because you are not good enough at finding the hidden price tag.