Nuclear weapon targets?

There are about 23 000 nuclear weapons in the world. A single one of them could wipe out any major city in a minute. 75% of the world are religious maybe even more, many of them believe in a heaven or some kind of afterlife.

Is it just a matter of time before one of these 23 000 atomic bombs will be thrown at someone. Where do you think it will hit first and what will be the consequences?

Russia 13,000
United States 9,400
France 300
China 240
United Kingdom 185
Israel 80
Pakistan 70-90
India 60-80
North Korea <10

It’s a threat we must face, no one can close their eyes and say no no no that is not ok to discuss or no there is no such threat. What do you think?

A locked thread due to selfignition :smiley:

Nahh that would not be the result, well maybe if the atomic bomb strikes down the place where the blenderartist servers are. Anyway, looking at the statistics my bet is that either.

*North Korea - Japan (Tokyo)
*Russia - United States (Washington)

Most likely USA will be nuked first, or they will be the first one to nuke someone who is attacking them AGAIN. But North Korea is run by a dangerous man, and I have heard he isn’t good friend with his nabor Japan.

I live in the hills near Adelaide, South Australia. No concern here, got quite a bit of earth between me and all you crazy people up in the north hemisphere :stuck_out_tongue:

N.Korea would be the only concern right now, especially when that crazy kid gets command of the place, instead of his crazy father. Then of course if they go to war the USA will join in to back up S.Korea, and the main issue with that is that N.Korea is allied with China. >Would that force USA and China to war?

Hmm that is true, that would lead to a war between USA and China. The two superpowers in the world. In that battle Russia would join with china. And most likely all of Asia except maybe Japan. Europe will most likely be neutral.

Yeah…this is how USA will end. China and Russia will nuke them. Phew, I’m glad I’m not living in the USA. With USA nuked, it would be a country divided. Canada would most likely take most of it. And Mexico would invade from the south. Mexico and Canada would become the new powers in Northern america.

Which means Mexico would bring poverty to where once new york was. Holywood would most likely survive in some way though. A lot of superstars would die, which would result in Europe’s young population would break through the illusion of pop rap culture.

Once again Europe’s youth would respect their parents, and hopefully less people would become obese and less crime rates as well. Of course USA would have launced a few nuclear bombs themself. Chinas pandas would dissapear. And a lot of people would lay dead over in china. Russia is a wasteland and maybe the siberian tigers would dissapear as well.

In China, Korea maybe Japan and mongolia would invade. And split the country between them. Probably not peacefully. There would be a 30 year war in china and people would fight for land. The areas japan invade will sooner or later want independance from the islands. Which will result in a new high tech country that has got more resourcers.

America is gone, and Mexico and Canada are easier to talk with. The christians will be gone and America and Europe will have a close alliance. Many people died in China and in USA. The mexicans and the canadians can’t fill up all space there is.

Africans will move to China and USA. The africans will breed with the chinese and create huge black chinese people. The intelligence and the culture of china will merge with african culture. And it will result in a very alien society and culture.

Meanwhile some muslims will have nuked Jerusalem. Which means islam and christianity will dissapear. Africa is empty land after al lot of black people moved to former china and USA. Europe will declare Africa a national park.

The few people who still live in Africa will make their living on tourism. And it will be the country all tree huggers will visit. India and Hindusim/Buddhism will still live on. They will now be the major religions on earth.

To sum it up, the result of a nuclear war between China and USA. And with these countries gone will result in:

-Less crime
-Cleaner enviroment
-Increased wild life
-Better school education
-More scientists and development in space exploration
-Cure for aging
-A new breed of human (Giant chinese people)
-Better dicipline between parent/child.
-A billion people dying…

To save this world and let the animals of this world exist. Increase the wealth and put an end to all wars. Is it worth a billion christians/Buddhists lives?

What do nuclear weapons have to do with 75% of people being religious?

Sorry, that prediction of events doesn’t make sense in a way it seems random and the fact it sounds like every country will suddenly turn against each other for no apparent reason other than to cause crap to happen.

When you look at recent history for example, a lot of people (some of them even experts), have tried to speculate just one month in advance and see things unfold in a way that’s incredibly different from what they thought would happen.

In scenarios like we see today in the world, trying to predict what will happen and what the outcome will be is like predicting winter weather, you can get a prediction out when it starts snowing and you still get the predicted snow-totals wrong.

Wow aren’t you a bag of sunshine. So you want all Christians and Buddhists to die? Or everyone who follows a religion? Either way, check your facts, it would be a lot more than a billion.

Come on guys, don’t feed the troll:

But I’m not a fan of cats…

It’s fun to be 14, with that mindset.

Wow aren’t you a bag of sunshine. So you want all Christians and Buddhists to die? Or everyone who follows a religion? Either way, check your facts, it would be a lot more than a billion.
I don’t want anyone to die but people die either way. Every second somewhere on the globe someone dies in a car accident. Someone looses a leg or get half his body cut off. There is nothing I can do about it, we have to make some sacrefices in order to get people less obese and more healthy.

And improve the dicipline between parent and child. And erradicate ignorance and superstition, I think the only way to make christians and muslims go away is for a global catastophy to happen. Most likely a nuclear war would end america…which means all the hardcore christians. Even if only america gets blown up it’s quite an achievement…we have to have the majority in mind.

Think about all the invaded countries around the world that would benefit from it. Think about all the lost teenagers in europe that worships eminem and 50 cent. Imagine all the animal life that will be saved, maybe the native americans can take over the land that once were theirs. This world is getting overpopulated and somewhere in a near future someone or something will have to kill a lot of people in order to save the planet. This will most likely happen through a nuclear war.

What do you think?

What you dont see is that thare are way too many weak minded people out there. You want christians and muslims go away, and if they were to go more people would turn to religion then ever. The reason for that is the nonsense that bible predicts. People would see those predictions as true and end up believing into god/religion more then ever.

Well USA may get nuked first unless the decide to fry a few chickens themselves.

In that case I’m moving to Antarctica, cya! lol

USA has already thought of that, they are going to spew out so much american hamburger shit antarctica will melt. They are destroying your one place to take shelter…by polluting our earth with these…

I feel dirty for even posting this warning…