Number of autosave files

How to set number of autosave files to write before overwriting the first one?
At this moment blender write new autosave file on top of existing. As a result after I had a voltage drop autosave failed to open due to “Missing DNA Block”. I’m sure this is because power was lost during writing save file to disk.

File / User Preference / File settings

It’s number of saved versions of file when you manually save a file. It’s different thing, it does not apply to autosave.

As far as I know you can only change the time between autosaves, but if you save manually often, you have saved versions as well.


Blender have auto save on Quit.

If a Temp Dir is set in Userpreferences / File.

It will Save to that Dir…Eg…If Blender crash or You close Blender by a mistake…:slight_smile:

There will be a updated Blend there…Even if the file is not saved…If not Saved name of Blend is quit.blend


It can’t save quit.blend on system crash

My fault…Blender do not save on crash…Only if Blender close by a mistake.

Happy New Year…Cheers
