NVIDIA GeForce GTS 450 1 Gb and AMD Athlon dual core 5600+ 2.81 Ghz 4 Gb on MotheBord

My system is running blender and it takes 5 minutes or it hangs altogether when performing any minimal tasks or any task. Only when in solid or texture view. I tried it on 2.65, 2.75 and 2.78 all same. OS is win 7 64bit. otherwise fine in wireframe. I am continually getting NVIDIA error message of dropped connection between Blender and Graphics Card. Does any body have any idea why this is ? What further info would be needed to even be able to surmise answer ?

Hi, you have a 10 year old system donĀ“t expect it as a workstation for 3D work.
GTS 450 is OK for display and you should work on simple scenes with you CPU/RAM.
Does it really lag at the default cube?
If not may you can upload one of this scenes.
These Nvidia error comes from a timeout from Driver.


But have nothing to do with display lag.

Cheers, mib

What is least expensive upgrade for Just Blender 3d Modeling and Blender Internal rendering work. Not For Gaming.
That is upgrade of nvidia card.