Nvidia GTX / RTX for macOS Catalina :)

Because of new macOS software (e.g. FCPX, Motion) requirements (Mojave/Catalina) I upgraded my main machine to macOS Catalina. This way I lost GPU Cycles rendering option on a Mac.
I decided to use a temporary solution – bought a PS and use it as a Blender Cycles Nvidia remotely controllable slave machine.
I tested many VNC apps and MS Remote Desktop (also with nvidiaopenglrdp.exe NV OGL accelerator) and finally found Steam local-network streaming solution usable. First test shows that image quality is quite good and latency low enough for comfortable work (for me).

Side effect of this solution is much better Eevee performance as NVIDIA/AMD PC OpenGL drivers are much faster than OpenGL drivers built in macOS.
I use also MS Remote Desktop app for PS management.
Now I have stable Mac (without Nvidia crap drivers) all great macOS apps and a window with Blender GPU Cycles on a Mac.


  • don’t add a Blender to your Mac Steam app library. Add Blender to PS library only.
  • you can add a non-steam app to library (ADD A GAME / ADD A NON-STEAM GAME - bottom left corner). Blender works just fine
  • if you have black stripes above/below Blender in full screen try to use Window/Toggle Window Fullscreen (in Blender menu)
  • I remapped Cmd to Control (Left Windows to Control) key on Windoze to make it usable (SharpKey app)
  • I also flipped mouse scroll in Windoze registry (https://www.windowscentral.com/how-reverse-scrolling-direction-windows-10)
  • after using MS Remote Desktop there is OGL error in Windoze. Just start Blender streaming again

Perhaps someone will find it useful.

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And what might be the manufacturers website for this server?

For me DIY Ryzen 3900x + Sonnet Solo10G machine works well so far.

Ah so it’s not a pre-built system with pre-configured software?

Yes, this is born of the desperation DIY machine.