Tried to export a model from Blender to Wavefront .obj file. Keep on getting error (it comes out right after I click on “Wavefront (.obj)” from the Export menu):
Shortname = ‘C:\Blender\blender.exe’
Compiled with Python version 2.4.
Checking for installed Python… got it!
C:\Blender.blender.blender\icons: No such file or directory
File “<string>”, line 174
for mtex in mat.getTex* The ambient and emit data we can retrieve from Blend
er are single values, that this script copies to an RGB triplet, giving shades o
f gray. A config option can be set to export RGB mirror color as either or both.
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I use latest CVS build from by ZanQdo.
What’s the deal?
thanks for pointing this out, fixed in CVS.
spyres, agree, bug reports are better then cluttering the forum.
since this is a script I maintain, emailing me direct would be good to. in cases where others would not realy benefit in hearing the response.
Exported OBJ file has issues, such as open edges… Can’t tell you if it’s my fault, but when I import OBJ file I exported from Blender to 3DS MAX, I encounter open edges.
I will experiment more, but for now I just want to let you know about that and would like to know your opinion. Thanks.