.Obj Import Issues

I’m using Blender 2.49, running it on Windows Vista. I’m having trouble importing .obj objects into Blender. They import fine, but when I try to use them in the game engine, they get all messed up. Things that are supposed to be in back are seen through the front. It’s almost like the objects that are behind are set to x-ray. They’re not, but that’s what it looks like. Any idea what I’m doing wrong, or what the appropriate import settings should be to prevent this? Thanks.

Just recalculate the face normals after you have imported (select all vertices and Ctrl+N)
Importing can flip some normals or they may be facing the wrong way before you import.

When you import the obj file, make sure that it’s one object - sometimes it comes in pieces. Also, if there are several pieces, combine them all into a single mesh, select all vertices, and remove doubles - that will help out some slight seams on certain parts.

EDIT: Richard’s right, though. Make sure the normals are consistent.

I tried that. No effect. anything else I can try? Can I maybe post a blend file, or maybe an image, to show you what I’m getting? Thanks again.

do that. It might be the ever popular Blender 2.49 glitch that flipped faces are invisible… You could try reverse scaling the object.

It is not a glicht. Faces simply have just one side! So you can see them from one side only. This is part of the render optimization and reduces the amount of drawn faces by around 50%. This method is not limited to the BGE. Nearly all 3d Engines use this method for optimization.

My suggestion:
go in edit mode and enable show normals. Than you can see where the normals are pointing to. The normals should point outwards. Select the faces that faces inside and flip them.

How do I show the normals? I’m looking around and I don’t see the button for that. A better explanation for what I’m seeing is that an object that’s supposed to be in the background is being seen on top of an object that’s in the foreground. Since both objects are a part of the same mesh, I don’t understand what’s happening. I’m really confounded right now. Thanks again.

I’m no expert but I did run into a similar problem once. I ended up exporting it as dxf and then importing the dxf and it worked. You might try exporting as various types and then import again.
I have a problem also;
when I export obj.; even as 1 object joined, and try playing with in in Micrographix simply 3d3, it’s impossible to work with.
Obj. sucks maybe?

seems unreasonable for Blender to make a one-sided face, though…Why can you only see one side? think about it. It should either be visible on all sides or NOT VISIBLE AT ALL.

Hi, I had the exact same problem. For some reason, when importing the object in my scene, blender enabled the option Z Transp. Simply disabling this fixes the weird x-ray. Or just delete the material and apply a new one. Hope this helps!