I have one object, a wall plate with a cylinder on it:
And I have another object, that was a Bezier curve with a bevel. I converted it to a mesh and did some simple modifications to it:
I’m trying to use a boolean modifier with the two placed like this:
My goal is to get something close to the slot/track I have in this:
I added a boolean modifier to the wall plate, then picked the curve as the object for the modifier, and, poof, the wall plate disappears! Then I change the solver to Fast (instead of Exact), and, rather than resolving the difference, it uses union:
I added a cube to the sitatuation:
I used the boolean on the wall plate and added the cube as the object and I didn’t have that problem. From there, I tried all the combinations I could. I found when I use the curve as the main object and the wall plate as the modifier, the curve disappears.
When I use the curve as the main object and the cube as the modifier, I get bad results. However, when I use the curve to modify the cube, it works.
I checked and the normals on the wall plate and the curve are all facing outward. I’ve used the 3D print add-on to check to be sure both the wall plate and the curve are manifold objects. They test out, but there are some non-flat faces. (I haven’t had a problem with that in the past.)
It seems the problems only happen when the curve is involved, sometimes as the main object, sometimes as the object as a modifier.
What is causing this and why can’t I just use the curve as in a boolean modifier o the wall plate?
BooleanTest.blend (322.2 KB)