Hi! im fairly new to rigging and characters in blender. all i want to do is put this shoe i made on a character i downloaded from Mixamo with a walking animation. i want the shoe to move with the model when it does its walking annimation. however, when i parent the shoe to the armature, half the shoe just doesnt react to the movement, some of it is just falling apart and some of it is moving not acordingly to the annimation. I tried to fix this by joining all parts of the shoe but this didnt seem to do anything. do you know what i could do to make the shoe 1 solid object or a different solution so that it isnt falling apart when the walking annimation occurs.
first delete all Vertexgroups from the shoe
check also the size
and then the faceorientation blue is right.
try it again,
It Still doesnt seem to change anything, when i delete the vertex groups the mesh goes back to its default state, when i try to re parent it with automatic weights it just does nothing even though the new vertex groups are there. it seems to be something with how the shoe is put together although ive merged it and set its origin to geomety which naither had any effect.
grab all vertices in the shoe with A in edit mode, go to your properties editor, and assign them to the Foot bone weight group (click the group, click assign) with weight of 1
That was a Huge improvement! But theres still some things that seem to be off…
Different parts that i added to the mesh seem to be falling off of it. and the shoe doesn’t stick directly to the leg. Is there a way i can fully merge the mesh together so that it just acts as one mesh. (while leaving the separate materials editable if possible). Thanks so much for the help! hope we can figure this out
Yep Grab all the mesh objects, press Ctrl + J. For Mixamo, you’ll need to also press Ctrl + A to apply all transforms, and then Shift +S > Cursor to Origin > F3 > Origin to 3D Cursor
Ive already joined them together, that didnt help, but the parts are still kind of seperate. Still Cant Get it to fully work…
Did you try this:
I did try that…
heres a blender file if you have the chance to check it out.
Anyone have any kinda insight on this, really need to figure this out…
its on the way,
i merged first points by distance(shoe)
i frezzed the armature transfomation /was very tiny scale 0,01)
i delete all groups and the armaturedeformer from the shoe
mirrod with modifier and apply
i use a proxymodel for creating the vertexgroups and transfer these to the highpoly-shoe)
in posemode the armature was in restpose
sent you the link via wetransfer privately
Thanks so much! i apreciate it! I am still having an issue, the shoe is still looking weird. its not really bending, its like crunching in a weird way, is there any way to fix this?