Object follows path: stop at certain points and then continue


i’m currently working on an animation that I’m not really able to create.

An object should follow a long, very circular path. At certain points the object should stop following the path
to make a special movemnt at that position. After that the object should continue following the circular path
to the next point. The circular path is rather complex and I have around ~20 of those points where the object
should execute its special movement, so creating ~20 individual paths and combining them is not really a valuable solution.

Currently I’ve a Nurbs Path that the object is able to follow. But I don’t know how I can make the object to not follow
the path anymore at the “special points”, make its “special movement” and continue the path after that.

I’ve made a little sketch:

Thank you very much,

Set Follow path constraint option to Fixed position and keyframe that value as many times you want.

Thank you very much for the fast response. I’ll test this out as soon as I can and leave feedback.

It worked, thanks a lot. :slight_smile:
I also found a second possible solution:
One can select the Nurbs path and alter the “Path Animation” settings in the “Object data” properties.
Here you can keyframe the “Evaluation Time” setting, e.g. keep it constant when the object should not follow the path anymore.