Object over anyone

Is possible not allow a object hide?
If an object goes in front of another it always appears to camera. :frowning:

(Sorry for my bad english, I’m brazillian)

There’s a quite few Portuguese speaking people here - try to ask in Portuguese (but provide a best effort English translation for the sake of the rest of us), Because I really don’t understand Your question :-/

I think he wants an Objects to be drawn last, like a Weapon in a Firstperson Shooter that shall not sink into Walls etc. …
Try out the Z-Depth Options in the Material Properties! :} (and if that won’t work, then you can use an Overlay Scene)

I thought perhaps he wants to have an object to be always visible, regardless what’s between the object and the camera - something like the “x-ray” draw mode property.

That’s right
I need an object to as an X-Ray, all the time, sorry my english,I have this doubt at much time, but was never resolved in brazilian sites,then I decided to ask here.
Thanks so much since now.

Then C.A.ligàri gave the correct answer. (sorry, cant get right apostrophe from my keyboard)

Oh, muito obrigado.
Eu tive um resultado satisfatório, muito obrigado mesmo!
Agora é só regular pois essa opção parace ter valores infinitos.

Simply use an overlay scene. It is always over the background scenes.

It has already been resolved.
Overlay scene because the object does not have to stay in the same scene.