I’ve been working on a project for a while, which is my first real project.
Everything went fine, until I got to the texturing part.
Since then I’ve been having problems all the time and instead of creating my character, I’ve been fixing technical problem all the time. And I ran into another problem, well actually two.
I got the main colors on my character, and wanted to add displacement to the jeans of my character, so I got a ‘jean texture’ on CGtextures.com and put it on the place on the uv-map on the trousers, then I turned it into a black and white picture and linked it to my object as shown below.
This didn’t work, and I’m afraid that my attemt to make it work, I changed something in the settings that caused my problem; When rendered (or when using rendered in the view port shading menu) the whole object turnes grey, wereas it is correctly collored in object mode or textrepaint mode.
I am using the cycles engine
thank you for your answer.
I’m sorry I didn’t reply earlier on your post, I had some problems with my internet, and could therefor not reply on any thread, nevertheless I do appreciate your help.
My character did indeed gets his color back, the replacement however didn’t work yet.
Would could it be causing this? Do I need a special generated image for the replacement, or is a simple black and white image (which I have used) enough?
I did have a mapping node in the file I send, but could you send a picture of the rest of the nodes.
You namely used the color ouput, but this is not directly connectable to the displacement input of the material output since they do not have the same color (yellow and grey). Whats in between them?