objects behind a mesh are showing through texture

I put a UV map image on something and for some stupid reason the bars I have behind the part that is supposed to have the image on is showing through as white lines on the front! Also, how do I get the UV image to show up on the render? whenever I render it it just comes up solid and I have the texture viewing selected too but that don’t make any difference.

and isn’t there a way to take off an image once it’s put on?? I delete the image from the UV editor and it still shows up on my objects and I don’t see any other way to take it off! This UV stuff is just ridiculous! why can’t I just click on a face and choose an image and apply it that way?? This is probably the most frustrating part of blender for me right now

Same here cept for my probs are with exporting materials via UV images. So i’ve been reading a bit into it, and asking for advice. Sounds to me like you have a transparent texture issue. Did you create these textures via materials? or did you import your own images?

And yes you can select what areas for either assigning to different materials and placing textures. The best way to be able to read the object for mapping is to mark seams which you pretty much separate it piece by piece by selecting vertices/edges til you have a line highlighted then press CTRL+E then click “Mark Seam”. If you’re unhappy with the seem select the area again and CTRL E “Clear Seam” when you’re done marking your seams you can unwrap and read your UV layout much easier for texturing.

What I find easy is making a number of materials and assigning different areas I want affected by different tilable textures, then when It looks the way that I want it I create new image in the uv/image editor and “bake” what I made and it takes what your object looks like in render and records it in one image. To understand how to work with these to make things look the way you want here’s a tutorial about Textures and UV.
