Objects In Wrong Place After Recording Game Engine IPO

Hi All,

I orgiginally posted this in the Game Engine forum, but because I want to actually render my aniamtion, I thought I would move it to here.

I have a complex model made up of a lot of parts. I made each part an actor. When I press-P key, the parts of the model fall. This looks fine.

However, when I turn on Record Game Physics To IPO and press P-key, after the simulation, my model parts are in the wrong place at frame 1. The model should be all together at frame #1.

Has anyone else experienced this problem?:rolleyes:

No one else uses Record to IPO huh?

I do. can you show what your doing, or explain more.

I use it too. I’ve not experienced this problem, though. You’ll need to show a little more.

I wish I could upload the model, but it is 7Mb. I think it has something to do with all the parts of the helicopter being so close together. Yesterday I did a simplified pass with only the body frame and it worked. But after using Maya dynamics system, I was excited that Blender might be up to the same level as a professional package. but my experience seems to indicate otherwise.

There IS a closeness limit for blender’s Bullet physics. I can’t remember what it is off the top of my head, but I never have problems working around it. What exactly do you want your model to do? explode? fall apart? Are there any dynamic connections between the parts?

In leu of uploading the model you could put up some wire-frames or renders of it and axplain how you WANT it to be working.

What I want is quite simple, that why I was disappointed when it did not work.

I have a model made up of a bunch of meshes. I want them to fall down. That’s it.

Now I get that when I record to IPO, it looks great, but on frame 1 the original position of all the meshes is wrong. It’s like the game engine made up some new locations. You’d think frame 1 would be considered sacred and not modified, but it is not.

I will probably keep pecking away at this.

Are any of the items Shift-D copies of other ones? They will share IPOs. The fix is to delink the IPO if that is the problem. (or not link them in the first place. I enabled the IPO button in preferences>Edit Methods->Duplicate with objects section and then remade my copies and recorded IPOs fine after that.)

I have posted it as a bug on the bug tracker. The developers have acknowledged the bug and (lets hope) are fixing it.

View the bug report here:

Ah ha!I finally found a file, in the 2.48 regression suite that proves that Game Physics to IPO is truly broken. This file comes directly from the 2.48 test suite available on www.blender3d.org on the download page. Open the file and press P in the 3D window and you will see the animation fine.Then turn on record Game Physics to IPO under the game menu. Press P and wait while the simulation runs. Then pressALT-A to view the crapped out animation it produces.The rotations are off for some of the object. The two animations should match.


softbody_constraints.blend (456 KB)