Obsessed with Rihanna

I made ​​a new render of Rihanna from a very nice photo of her
I tried to recreate the beauty and atmosphere of the picture,
giving my interpretation.

I find it hard to believe that nobody decided to comment. Likeness is very good and face of the character is all bu finished. However the rest of her looks undone.

Summary: Good likeness, nice facial textures. Rest of it needs some love :wink:

That´s a good wip, but i think it can´t be called “finished”, agree it still needs some love

Thanks for commenting
I think I’ve realized that the face and the textures are fine.
some advice to improve the rest…

Please don’t stop the music.

http://www.datamar.info/avatar3.jpgI find it hard to believe that nobody decided to comment.

Is this a cameraprojection on a model or a painted texture? It looks very 2D to me and like it has shading in the diffuse itself.