Obvious Question

Ok, yea I did read tutorials and stuff, and it might just be my stupidity, or the fact that i just skimmed through them, but I didn’t find the answer to my simple question. How do you wpply textures to specific objects? It always goes to the background. :-?

Are you using Blender?

If the textures are ‘going to the background’ you either have the ‘World’ selected and are applying a texture there or you have a plane as a background, which is selected, and you are applying it there.

Select the object with RMB. If it is a single object it will turn pink. (You can check that it’s the right object by looking in the data-block of the edit buttons, or hitting Tab [verts will light up], looking in the OOPS window etc…) If it’s one of multiple objects all joined hit tab (verts purple) put your cursor over it and hit ‘L’ and verts will turn yellow. Hit ‘P’ to seperate it, add a new material and a new texture.


oohhh. whoopsie