Occlude Geometry in 2.5?

Where is this located in 2.5? I searched and couldn’t find it.

Occlude background geometry in same location as in earlier versions of blender

Thanks Richard. The new tool tip confused this noob user.:o

has this disappeared in the beta?
it was there in the alpha2
here’s my screen in the beta version
am I just staring at it and not seeing it:confused:


It shows in the new 2.5.3 64 bit beta on my end.

@drobbins: It does not show when you are viewing in wireframe mode. Switch to solid view.


thanks, I though I was loosing my mind


Sorry, i am new in Blender. I dont see the Occlude background geometry button in 2.53 beta.

I am doing something wrong?



You need to be in edit mode.

Wow, that was hard to find. Thanks!

I couldn’t find it until I created a cube. I had a Text object on screen, and wanted to edit faces on it, but… it didn’t have faces yet. Doh! So I kept going in and out of Edit mode, wondering why I could see faces, but not select them.