Occuling/Culling hide objects behind camera

Is this possible in bge ?
To not render objects out of view of camera ?
Let`s say i have a forest scene with good level of detail setup, but i want to hide
the trees, plants etc from camera that are out of camera view.

I know there is a occlude sensor. I tried parenting it to the back of the camera to
see if it works, but it does not.

Anybody who can shed light on this would be amazing.

I’m 99% sure that this is always enabled by default. If you slowly rotate a camera with an animated mesh in the corner of your screen, you can sometimes see it pop out and back in. I belive back face culling is calculated by the bounding box of a mesh, which does not update with animations.

This is the core of BGE rendering. Objects outside of the camera frustum are never rendered (as they do not need to).

Occlusion objects can be useful when other objects hide them (such as hills), while they are still within camera frustum.

Ahh brilliant.
I was watching a tutorial and it was using unity, they baked the culling for a forest scene.
So blender does this automatically i take it ?

Thank you for your reply`s

i know it does this automatically, even with no occlusion settings. i had an object shape key animate a cockpit windshield sliding forward. when the windshield was open, the mesh would disappear when it got near the edge of the screen, since the mesh moved outside the initial bounding box.

if you want speed, push everything into 1 megatexture

I believe objects behind/outside the camera frustum are culled by default, you can do a simple test with rasterizer, it should go up/down depending whether you’re looking at/away a dense geometry

Occluder is meant to further cull what is in front/inside the camera frustum, this must be done manually, for the most optimize gain the occluder must be a large/low poly structure that towers above the ground so that other objects can be occluded