Occur to

It represents the moment of inspiration when the music comes into your head.
I’m searching for a better way to express.

Here’s what jumps right out at me: “everything in this frame is more-or-less the same hue, and also more-or-less the same saturation.” (Even though the lighting levels do vary.) As I look at the center of the frame and as my eye casts-around, well, “nothing really captures my eye.”

The eye typically is attracted to the “brightest and most contrasty” part of a scene, then it likes to be led through a path that finally winds up where it started. Consider whether the “smoky” elements as-positioned are strengthening or weakening this.

Thanks for the comment.
The low contrast is what I was aiming for to some extent, but I plan to adjust it a bit more

Incredible image! Great composition, very creative perspective and thoroughly interesting variety of details and textures! I think the denoiser would help clean up the grain here but otherwise this image should inspire interest and jealousy in those who see it! Congrats!

Thanks for the comment.
I would like to use denoising in the final rendering because the number of samples is low and it blurs.
I will do my best to improve the quality.