.: Ocean of Shadows :. Final at bottom of the page

.: Ocean of Shadows :.
This image was inspired mostly by my drooling over “Finding Nemo”, which I haven’t seen yet (Australia gets it’s movies out late, and Finding Nemo is coming out on August 28th, which is coincidentally my birthday! :D)

This image was mostly just to get some experience with making a water scene, the bubbles (which are dupliverts of a particle grid) and the “god beams” which are the small sheens of light falling from the surface… The jellyfish’s material was also a hard thing, I’d love to have something like translucency in Blender stares at the coders with a small smile but I guess that’s hard with a Reyes based renderer.

Finally, about the name, I named it Ocean of Shadows because of the god beams, separated highlights between blinding sunlight and pure darkness…

Comments and crits welcome :slight_smile:

Smerity, this is a very cool image. It’s one of those ones that makes me doubt that Blender was used at all, but of course, as ever, it was.

Superb Blender skills, excellent.


It is an excellent mood there :slight_smile:

Small fyi’s, the night BEFORE your birthday, on August 27th, Mars will be the closest to Earth as it has been in 50k (argued) years. They say you’ll be able to see it glow red with the naked eye :o

Nice b-day present from the heavens, imo :smiley:

That sounds cool, I’m going to have to watch for that.

August 27th is my Birthday, forgot to mention in my previos post. :smiley:


It has a nice watercolour look to it, very nice. Anyway you could post a higher resolution of it?

OT: Hey, August 26th is my birthday :slight_smile: Looks like we all get a good birthday present!

LOST&FOUND: Here’s a higher rez version, it’s compressed (I’m on 56 K *sniff sniff) but still retains all the quality… The image by itself is 960x845 so it should be large enough, but if you want a bigger one again, just say.

sonixsculpt: Thanks! To be a little more specific, everything is Blender, apart from some film grain, the border and avatar which are Photoshop… :slight_smile:

Enzoblue: Super kewl! Maybe I can have an early birthday party, bring some telescopes, stare at Mars for a while, light a bon-fire… Life’s good :wink:

broken & sonixsculpt: So, we’ve got 26th,27th, and 28th :smiley: I’d love to see a few more numbers there :smiley: lol

Overall, thanks everyone for the comments, any crits tho? I still count this as a WIP… :-?

looks pretty good so far!

on request by smerity to be completely nitpicky:

its a little plain, perhaps there can be objects faded out in the bg, a sunken ship or some junk, and if possible, it would be sweet to see small water distortions under the jellyfish as they swim

the rays from the sun almost looks like you motion blurred somehting with photoshop, perhaps make them more random in brightness and have them fade out while still in the viewable screen… and…
this picture would TOTALLY benefit form a long screen render!! say like 1300x600… this way you can have alot more style and maybe fit some stuff on the left and right, even if its just a fading of the blue color into a dark below to show the water depth

and maybe model jellyfish like these!


and what i mean by distortion under them is not a blur really, kind of like water shockwaves, u can use the distortion/showckwave plugin and distort the water under the jellyfish a TINY bit, just so it creates some refraction and looks like the fish is swimming =)

hope these crits could help! :slight_smile:

nice, mate! aww … what’s a nurb?

nice grain!

Tedi, a Nurb (or Nonuniform Rational B-Splines) is a similar, to say, polygons with sub surf. You input a few points, and the computer with a mathematical formula evens out and makes it a lot smoother. Blender doesn’t support it too well, but some other programs live by them (if you wanna check it out, in Blender, Space>Add>Curves>Nurbs circle or curve)

Blengine: Thanx man so much, it gave me some inspiration for different designs. Still got a lot to work on tho! :smiley:

And, the main point right now:
May take time to load, as it is very large

Comments ppl, comments and crits!

Blender supports some pretty important nurbs features though…for instance skinning using nurbs surfaces where you create several cross sections for a smooth object and join them as one curve and then press “F”. Its pretty fancy and it works quite well for organics from what I’ve seen. In fact! You could add a beautiful fish or whale to your scene with that technique!

Since I just got the Kara Book from Shigeto Maeda (ours all god of blender stills) and he has some nice deep sea impressions in there too I’d like to give some ‘advice’:

The jellyfish look to symetrical to me. I’d try and make them look more natural by merging tentacles and body stronger and making the lip of the body more uneven, larger/longer on one side than on the other. Maybe add some nervelines and mini-‘sucktioncups’ along the tentacles on the one in the foreground…

And now for the praise:
What looks really cool is that grainy/hazy photo look your render has! Very cool! Adds to the realisim of your transparency-work. Which, I agree, isn’t very good in blender.

Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline

Admit it: Your smarter now!


You’d actually have to ask:‘What’s a Nurbs?’

Since ‘Nurbs’ is used mostly in plural, people have come to talk about many Nurbs (them special splines) and one “Nurb”. An acronym turned into a word, I guess.

I’ve been really busy over the recent days, teachers seem to love seeing the pain on ur face when they give you homework :expressionless:
I also had a big concert, so that took up a full day for me.

Anyway, back to the pic… I stared at it, without the blend open, and noticed that I really didn’t work very long on the different jellyfish, with individual characteristics, more a crappy version of copy and paste :-?

I’m still very busy untill 2morrow afternoon (thank god for the weekend!) but I’ll try to get some work done on it tonight.

Desoto-111: Yes, Blender does support NURBs, but not as well as many other programs. I have no problem with that (I’ve fallen in love with subsurf :)) but it some programs have NURBs as their only creation technique, so they have some very specialised tools.

Qbertino: I’ve seen a tiny amount of Shigeto Maeda’s work, but I’m a little freaked by the Flash site, my modem dies pretty quickly :S About the symetry, it is probably my terrible use of duplicating and fixing that now, thanx for pointing that out! :slight_smile:

Edit: What do u mean by “suckers”? I’m not exactly sure what you mean…

This is the final incarnation of my image, untill a time I get more inspiration to work on it or refine it…
This image, as with every other image, could be worked on even more, but I’m getting a little sick of it, and it was only meant to be a quick project lol

I won’t be posting again on the “Finished Artwork” forum, because I don’t call it finished, too much lacking in the pic :-?

Anyway, I returned to the earlier, brighter style, I really fell in love with it… Forget the name, I just love the bright colour :smiley:

Edit: LOL! Just noticed I put the wrong name on the pic, sorry, was a little late :expressionless:

This is gigantic (180 KB!) so it will take time to load, sorry about that!