OctaneRender™ Blender 4.0 plugin version 2023.1.2 - 28.13 [STABLE] released

Do you have a blend file I could test? I’m running on Linux so YMMV.

Wait, Octane reads VDB’s from other applications like Houdini? Can you confirm?
That would be awesome and it is one of the things i always wanted to have in Blender.
It’s THE killer argument for me to use Octane, since no other renderer in Blender can do that.

Hi, this is working for a long time in Blender for Octane 2.79 and now updated for 2.8.
I guess @Grimm can verify.

Cheers, mib
EDIT: Hm, they removed the thread for the free tier lately, download link here in first post.

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Yes, although I don’t have an animated OpenVDB file, could you point me to one and I will test? Here is an example of the Disney cloud that I imported into the Blender plugin.

You have to be aware that, in this case, when I imported the VDB it came in much larger than the volume domain cube I set up. I had to scale the cube down a lot to see the VDB correctly. Other wise it rendered black because I was inside the cloud. I also had to rotate it 90 degrees on the X axis to orient it correctly.

Hi Grimm, I am not able to start octane_blender_prime_2019.1.4-20.5-beta.
It ask for licence and give error “Could not find required Licence” bla bla.
I have still a 4.0 licence only.

CHeers, mib

All I did was to login with my license login/pass and it worked. I too only have a 4.0 license, so it’s very strange. I also check to see if my 4.0 license gets checked out, but it doesn’t. Both the server and Blender get installed to /usr/local (OctaneServer and OctaneBlender), I would double check and make sure you are running the correct version?

That’s nice and fluffy.
You don’t need to test any further for me, i am already sold (not really financially as i am using the free tier).
I will test later with some stuff I’ll cook in Houdini.
But it is really good to know that i can let my inner Michael Bay out.

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Sounds like explosions are on the menu. :smiley:

Thanks, I run both directly from /usr/local and server shows 20.5.
Good to know it is running with 4.0 licence, should be running without a licence anyway.
I will look into deeper tomorrow.

Cheers, mib

Maybe your Otoy login/pass would work, although I haven’t tried it myself?

Hi, had to unlock subscription twice and now it work.
Only one left. :grimacing:
The material converter works as start point, fine.
As usual amazing speed and the look is quite different to Cycles, Octane like. :slight_smile:

Thank you for the hints, mib

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Hi, can anyone explain how to use OctaneDB to save and load materials?
Thank you!

Hi celicboris,

First you need to set the localdb directory in the Octane plugin preferences (it’s under the render category). I had to do this several times to get it to stick. Under the “Window” menu there is an “Octane DB” option, this will open a window with two tabs, one for the local db and another for the live db. From there you can right-click on a material to import it.

I haven’t been able to save to the local db, although the orbx save does work. I’m on Linux so YMMV. To save a .orbx of the material, go to the material tab and open the “Settings” panel. In the panel is a single button called “Save as OctaneDB”. Clicking the button brings up another window that gives you options for saving the material.

Hope this helps. :slight_smile:



I have recently published an addon that shows thumbnails for Cycles/Eevee image texture nodes:
Image Node Preview

I was asked if I could also add support for Octane image nodes. Before I start working on this, I would like to know if there is sufficient interest from Octane users for such an addon (the price is $7).

To prevent derailing this thread, please send a PM to me or reply in the addon thread if you would be interested.

From the screenshots I have seen so far it looks like the Octane image node does not have enough free space to fit a thumbnail inside, so I would probably show the thumbnail above the node, like in the Cycles environment node:


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Hi, I have already thought about buying the addon.
Would it be possible to use the addon for official Blender and Blender for Octane?
If needed I can post to Blender for Octane forum and link here, iirc it is closed.

Cheers, mib

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I have released v1.2 of my addon, which adds support for Octane nodes. The addon can be installed in Blender for Octane just like in regular Blender.


Awesome, it’s about time plugin devs support Octane, purchased. :smiley:

Many thanks, testing now.

Cheers, mib

I was wondering what are the differences between all those types of texture inputs, when would I want to use each one? I guess I only ever used the ones called “Image Tex” and “RGBSpectrum Tex” so far…

Yeah, I use the “Image Tex” the most. “Alpha Image Tex” is also very useful for alpha images or images that have an alpha layer in them. I mostly use alpha images with things like tree leaves to cut the leaf outline out of the leaf polygon.

Truth be told, I will have to look up the others, although I think the “Instance Color Tex” is very cool. It allows you to randomly assign a texture to your instanced objects.
