OctaneRender™ Blender 4.0 plugin version 2023.1.2 - 28.14 [STABLE] released

There’s another spelling mistake
and a problem of nesting multiple groups. When multiple groups are used to control materials, and the number of layers in a group is greater than 1, the outer group will fail

Why is the render so long?
If you include Used as universal camera, then everything works fast, but the problem is with the color. The render in the viewport does not work and outputs"Waiting for Image…"

if you disable this option, the render is very slow

help me solve this problem. In cinema 4d octane works fast, but I want to work in blender

Dirt tex doesn’t work with RTX enabled

OctaneRender™ for Blender plugin. Windows, Linux and OSX versions. The download links, provided on this page, are for Enterprise License Holders.

OctaneRender Studio subscribers can access their software from the “Downloads” section of their Customer Account Page.


  • Updated to 2.83.1


  • Fixed Undo crash
  • Fixed the Eevee rendered shading crash
  • Fixed Camera Imager and Post Process render issues when Universal Camera enabled

You can read about new features of OctaneRender™ 2020.1.3 here:

I had to revert to prime just after purchasing studio. Post is here - https://render.otoy.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=75269

Gutted. Hopefully the prime will be up soon. Had no server issues with that one.

EDIT - Lino helped me on facebook. Working now

I can’t get 2020 to run on windows 10 at all on my workstation, only on linux on my laptop. 2019 runs fine. What OS/Hardware are you using?

There are issues with older CPUs that don’t support newer instruction sets.

It seems that some AVX-512 instructions were introduced in both 2020.1.1 and 2020.1.2 executables which will likely cause the issues that some of you are experiencing with machines with older CPUs which do not have support for this extension set.

This is supposed to be fixed in the next version of stand alone, then it should filter down to the plugins.

What is the source of your information? I couldn’t find anything in the octane forums.

I use an i9 cpu with a 1080. My laptop is only 1 and a half year old. Standalone works, the previous build of 2020 prime works it’s just the server that doesn’t work when I switched to studio.

Here you go… :slight_smile:


Have you re-downloaded the studio server? I did have an issue (although I can’t remember which version) where they had put the enterprise version of the server for the studio server download.

About 13 hours ago I did. Lino told me to make a custom folder for the blender octane instillation and one separate for the server. I did that and I was up and running. Just a quicky while im here. Whats the best format for displacements from quixel to use in octane blender if you know?

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Sorry, I don’t use Quixel as I only use Linux so I’m not sure which format would be best. In general I have found Octane is very flexible when it comes to displacement maps. You should be able to adjust it to work with Quixel.

OctaneRender™ for Blender plugin. Windows, Linux and OSX versions. The download links, provided on this page, are for Enterprise License Holders.

OctaneRender Studio subscribers can access their software from the “Downloads” section of their Customer Account Page.


  • Updated to 2.83.1


  • For multi EXR, use the original pass names directly(do not include the file name or frame number)

You can read about new features of OctaneRender™ 2020.1.3 here:

@linograndi Sorry, but I haven’t got time to read through the entire thread. I’m coming from a Max/Maya Arnold rendering background(Corona/Vray/MentalRay previous) and I’m moreso interested in the quality of Octane vs Cycles. The speed isn’t as important to me these days because we are on the cusp of a GPU/software real-time revolution.

I’ve been using cycles more and more this past year for look-dev and even some finished work. I still use Arnold day to day and will continue to do so. I realise you work for OTOY, so I’m sure there will be some bias, :wink: , but can you point me to some examples of the quality that Octane can produce on more high end examples(rather than speed test scenes) - I’m particularly interested in the skin shader, displacement, and GGX shading quality in comparison to Cycles. Cheers.

I was using Octane well before I started working for OTOY (which happened about 2 years ago).
My advice is to try Octane (it’s free for Blender up to 1 GPU) and judge its quality by yourself:


This is a test I made with the famous Emily model:

You can find many examples of Octane’s render quality in the Octane Facebook group!

Moreover, since you’re using Arnold (which I personally love) you may like this:
" OTOY and Autodesk are collaborating on making the physically-based Standard Surface shader work between Octane and Arnold by integrating Standard Surface as a core node in Octane. Thus, interchange between OTOY’s ecosystem and Arnold will work through a single scene system to launch jobs for Octane, Arnold, the real-time Brigade path-tracing engine, and so on."



Thanks, but I beat you to it. :smiley: I decided to download it after I posted. Been meassing with it the last 2 hours. Initially I’m liking the look. Is it set up for ACEScg out of the box, do you know, or do you have to point it to the OCIO config file? I can’t find anything related to ACEScg in the colour management.

Microsurface displacement details look solid. I’ll have to set up the Louise eisko asset to run some tests myself. Is it using a random walk SSS shading model? I’ll be sure to check that group for more examples. Thanks. EDIT: just read in your post that it is using random walk.

This is very interesting. Max/Maya teams are hard at work on USD/MaterialX and the Adesk Standard Surface 1.0.1 was recently added to Maya 2020. I have to say, I’m very excited as to what Brigade will bring to the table. Certainly interesting rendering times we live in. :smiley:

I test Octane, and I’m very satisfied with results. Especially how Octane treat displacement and glass. Even my single GTX 1070 give me good results. But there is lack of tutorials / guides. I have ( limited ) experience with couple renders, but when come to “details” some guidance is welcome. At least, I do not waste time on “basic” stuff. Best source, and my starting point are https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrX3T62vasJkJx5dLy-sRWQ/videos
Do you know for other similar channel? I try to watch Octane tutorials for C4D, but there are annoying differences. Stuff dedicated to Blender Octane will be much more useful.

The Octane Facebook group can be a very useful resource for any question about Octane for Blender.
Which features would you like to be explored in video tutorials?

I’ve been making some live session on Twitch, and planning to make some more videos about Octane for Blender.

I also made a couple of tutorials for the NVIDIA Youtube channel (more to come):

The second part of the displacement video, which will describe how Vertex Displacement works, will be out soon.


Thanks for answer. Well, I’m interested in all features :smile: Seriously, every renderer are unique, in practice, problems arise in unexpected places. Stuff which work in Vray need different approach in Cycles or Arnold or… Probably “case studies” , short videos which deal wit specific stuff will be good approach.
Most of time people are not aware of some functions, tricks, workaround… “hacks”.