OctaneRender™ Blender 4.0 plugin version 2023.1.2 - 28.14 [STABLE] released

I highly doubt it. That sounds like fake news. I really think Octane needs its own fork, just like E-Cycles.

As for whatever free version is coming to Blender, I also highly doubt that it will ever include access to betas, release candidates, etc. Strictly final/stable releases, and possibly not the latest, but one version back, if I had to guess. And you can take it straight to the bank that you will never get to use more than two GPUs (maybe only one GPU with RTX) with free Octane. Some of the free stuff they have been talking about for a while now seems to be a moving target. But as an Octane user of over six years, I think I have a decent feel for how they operate. We’ll see…

well not every renderer are like vray or octane and need a separate build !

i think they chose to do separate build because of liscencing reasons, if its free a separate build wont be needed ? just hoping, separate builds for blender is quite of a turn off for me, exept if its e-cycles

Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that, they need a separate build so they can keep the code proprietary. Even free, with the GPL license they would have to give out the source code as well.

what about the fact that the actual render is not in the gpl code but in a separate exe “render server” ?
we cannot append another application through blender ?

Grimm’s a long time Octane user too! Hi Grim! (I’m Frank on Octane).

Something else that anyone salivating over the prospect of free Octane should know: Octane uses it’s own material system and can not use Blender’s PrBSDF materials to render. There is no converter at this time that can convert from Octane Universal Material to Blender or vice versa. So dear readers, please note that if you are diving into the Octane pool, you will need to jump through some hoops first, and (imho) would really want the full paid version if you were going to use it in any serious way.

No, there is no API in Blender to do that, hence the separate build. People have been asking for this for a long time, but it’s not on the developers priority list. This would not be a Python interface, but a C or C++ API.

Hey Frank! :smiley:

There is this one here but I think it’s pretty basic. I don’t know how the patreon went for it or if the developer is still working on it. Looking at the Github repo, he hasn’t touched it in 8 months. And it looks to be only Cycles to Octane, not the other way around. :confused:

Yeah. Just basic. No Universal. I asked the dev a ways back… can’t remember what the response was, but I do remember that I was not encouraged by it… Otoy should bang out a converter. Hell, that would prolly take Lino an afternoon, tops… Maybe I’ll suggest that tonight. Back to work for me.

Octane is not denoising for me until rendering is finished. Stopping rendering and intervals don’t work. (tried only linux version of 4.02)
Does anyone else have this issue as well?

Works the same for me, even if you have 'demoise on completion" turned off, it still waits for the render to finish. If I remember correctly there was an issue with this? Is there a reason you need to have the denoiser processing before the image is finished?

Well, the main issue is that if I cancel/stop rendering before it reaches samples in render settings (stops on it’s own) I won’t get denoising. Or is there a way to trigger denoising when I want to stop render?

Not that I know of, but that is a really good idea. You should post these issues to the Otoy Blender forum.

Otoy is teasing a look at the new Blender 2.8 Octane plugin here:

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I’m not on Facebook, so I can’t check out the link. :frowning: But what’s the latest news regarding Octane for Blender 2.8? Will it be released within a few weeks from now? As I’ve got an NVIDIA GPU I’d really like to try it, because although Cycles is a great renderer, I believe Octane is generally faster, and I like the overall look of its results.

Me neither but you can watch the picture and video without an account.
They want release a beta before Blender 2.8 release, so more 1-2 months from now.

Cheers, mib

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Yes, as mib2berlin says, you should be able to view the message. I don’t have an account (and will never have one) and I can see it no problem. I think they have set the permissions so that anyone can see it.

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You’re right guys, yesterday I got an error when I clicked on it, including a “Login to …”, but today it worked.

The preview looks very promising, although the video has been doubled in playback speed.


any news on it being free or not ?

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I’d like to know that too.

when its out i will do a comparison with e-cycles

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