OctaneRender™ Blender 4.0 plugin version 2023.1.3 - 28.16 [STABLE] released

Need to update this thread, lots of updates have happened.

This is a TEST version, so be prepared to have some issues. Do not use it for production.


  • Upgraded to 2018.1 RC4
  • Supported orbx proxy (now we are able to import external orbx as a proxy)(“Properties-Data-Orbx properties-Orbx File Path”)
  • Supported to change target node tree when fetching livedb material
  • Supported viewport material color(“Properties-Material-Settings”)
  • Added “Linear space invert” for texture image nodes
  • Included alembic feature for osx/linux builds
  • Prevented crash when failing to overwrite orbx file


  • Fixed motion blur render issue under the preview navigation
  • Fixed material preview render failure
  • Fixed emission issue in mix material


  • Due to the current motion blur mechanism, animation for orbx proxy does not work when motion blur enabled
  • Displacement does not work with vertex color/float attributes in the current build(engine team has plans to support it)
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This is a TEST version, so be prepared to have some issues. Do not use it for production.


  • Upgraded to 2018.1 RC6
  • Added normal and bump for coating and sheen in universal material
  • Added simplify settings


  • Fixed some disordered issues in LiveDB material
  • Fixed Metal/Toon/Universal material support in LiveDB material
  • Fixed orbx proxy instance issue
  • Optimized material upload - now materials in inactive scenes would not be uploaded
  • Change “Octane LiveDB” in windows menu to “OctaneDB” as it contains both localDB and liveDB

OctaneRender™ 2019.1 XB1 Released

What’s new in 2019

  • OSL and procedural vertex displacement
  • new rounded edges
  • OSL Volume shaders
  • bloom/glare thresholding
  • improved volume AI denoiser
  • composite material node
  • Octane’s biggest ever material overhaul: layered materials

This is the first release of 2019.1 XB1. At this point, we have not hit feature lock yet since there are a few more things coming. As with all experimental builds, please do not use this for production purposes. We can’t guarantee that scenes saved with this version will be compatible in future releases, and we anticipate there being several maintenance releases.

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This is a TEST version, so be prepared to have some issues. Do not use it for production.


  • Upgraded to 2018.1 RC6
  • Added normal and bump for coating and sheen in universal material
  • Added simplify settings


  • Fixed some disordered issues in LiveDB material
  • Fixed Metal/Toon/Universal material support in LiveDB material
  • Fixed orbx proxy instance issue
  • Optimized material upload - now materials in inactive scenes would not be uploaded
  • Change “Octane LiveDB” in windows menu to “OctaneDB” as it contains both localDB and liveDB

No Linux version yet. :frowning:

hello i have a few question about octane for blender coud some users respond ?

Sure, ask away. :smiley:

  1. does the octane viewport support better performance in larger scenes with lots of polys, complex scenes in general? or its the same performances compared to cycles ?

  2. i heard good about octane instances, what is the differences between octane instances and cycles instancing method ? isn’t it the same thing ?

  3. if a material was created in lets say “octane for houdini” , can we import the material inside of octane for blender ? so basically are octane materials intechangeables between softwares ?

  4. there’s a lot of octanes options, octane standalone, octane 3dsmax, maya ect… does the blender version have similar performances and features compare to other plugins ? or is it behind the rest ?

  5. octane standalone look like really a true boost in terms of performance and high polys complex scenes? is it really ?

  6. (supposing it is) let say i have made a wonderful complex scene in octane plugin for blender, lot of instancing, geometry, animation,open vdb simulation… ect… is exporting the whole scene from blender with octane plugin to octane standalone easy as pushing the “export to octane standalone” button? or it requier some work ?

  1. let say octane for 2.8 is here, ready, two month later 2.81 is out with cool new features, how long am i going to wait for the octane dev to release the new version of octane for blender ?

  2. any info if octane will support lookdev ?

sorry to bother with all thoses questions, im just trying to elaborate some workflow

Still no AMD support?

Well let me see if I can answer some of these. :smiley:

  1. I like the viewport performance better with Octane. It feels faster, might be because Octane doesn’t chop up the image into tiles (always progressive render)? In Octane standalone, at least in version 4 or newer, they have added features from Brigade which really speeds up moving large objects around in the viewport. I’m not sure if this has made it to the plugin or not, I will need to check.

  2. I think they are the same. You do have to make sure that you set the correct object type when you are dealing with instances. If you have the wrong type set, it can slow things down significantly.

  3. ORBX is the format that Otoy is using to transfer scenes around (which includes geometry, textures, etc.). I know that the devs have just did some work on this so that the Blender plugin can both read and write ORBX. For awhile it only supported writing them. If you can write an ORBX from the Houdini plugin, you should be able to read it in the Blender plugin.

  4. I think it’s on par for the most part. There are some things around the edges that the Blender plugin doesn’t do. If Blender doesn’t support it then it’s not going to be in the plugin. You do get a small slowdown from standalone because of how the plugin has to communicate with OctaneServer.

  5. There is a small boost in speed compared to the plugin, like I mentioned above. I need to check on the Brigade features to be sure as they really can speed the viewport up.

  6. Yep, just export it out to ORBX and load it into standalone. That is all you have to do.

  7. Otoy just added more devs to help with coding the plugin and it’s helped a lot. But even before with just one dev it would take about 2 weeks for the plugin to catch up with the current version of Blender. The devs just posted on the forum that they hoped to have a 2.8 version of the plugin done here in about 3 weeks to a month. So good news. :smiley:

  8. Maybe with the 2.8 version they will have an option for lookdev. That would be a good question on the Octane forums for sure.

No problem, I hope this helps.



No, not yet. I haven’t been watching this very closely as I don’t have an AMD card, but it might have a lot to do with the fact that Apple and others have changed their plans so many times on this. I’m not even sure what the current plans are anymore. :confused:

thanks for your answers

i have another 3 questions ::sweat_smile:

1-i really like all the node of cycles, will i miss them with octane nodes ? or every features of cycles is also present in octane ?

2-are nodes of every octane plugin similar? can i follow a material tutorial from octane C4D inside of blender with no problem ?

Hi, you can download Blender for Octane 4.0 to take a look but you cant render.
Iirc you have to enable Octane addon in user prefs.


Cheers, mib

i tried, it dont work, i have the last nvidia update and i should revert it to even try the demo, it will be fix soon i think :sweat_smile:

? What does not work, has nothing to do with Nvidia.
It is only Blender with the addon, isn´t it?
I cant test on Linux and I have a licence already. :slight_smile:

Cheers, mib

in the demo it say that cant render because i have an “error cuda 999”
after some research on the otoy forum it say that its form the last nvidia update, and its now fixed…

maybe not in the demo yet?

i have a 2080ti and i use the last content creation nvidia driver, already tried with game ready, same thing

Ah, this is no demo version.
So you cant render anyway. I wrote this in my first post.
Thought it is may helpful for you to have a look at the material nodes, render settings and so forth.
You speak now about the real demo not about my link :bulb:
I think we struggle a bit over the language barrier, hehe.

Cheers, mib

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1- Octane Render nodes are fairly similar to Cycles’ but there are some differences. Octane’s are more general and have more options than the Cycles nodes. You are going to have to be more specific for me to answer you fully. I think Octane lacks some of the procedural textures that Cycles has? One way around this is to bake the textures in Cycles and then use the images in Octane (more work though :frowning:) .

2- For the most part you can, but there are many differences between C4D and Blender in how they work. I haven’t had any problems translating some tutorials. And you can always trace the information back to standalone and see how it is done there, then work out how the Blender plugin does it.

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Any news about the free version of Octane for Blender? I mean any specific.

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it should be released this month or the next