Can someone tell me what is happening in this picture? All the faces are selected… but what’s with the weird white and pink things?
I thought it was flipped normals, but they’re OK. It’s my first human uv mapping and I was fiddleing with mirrors for the face so maybe something messed up in the process.
Here’s what my uv window looks like. I don’t understand why it looks like there’s more than two ‘halves’ on top of each other.
See how the right half has two layers of the same half? And the left half has some doubled faces on the side. What’s up with that?
My guess is that you have duplicates of some faces in your mesh. It’s happened to me a few times, especially when I was doing some mirror modeling and duplicated stuff one too many times. Try going into edit mode, hit the LKEY to select a contiguous set of faces and hide them. If there is still a face/head there then you have a duplicate inhabiting the same space.