Hi, I’m just experiencing something odd when I try using a track-to in an armature. Basicly, any mesh that that bone is a parent of seems to twist around 90 degrees. I’m not doing anything else at this point.
It’s really weird. Anybody else had this problem? Is this a bug? Or some subtle thing I don’t understand? Any ideas?
This isn’t a complete answer as I don’t remember all my steps and am too lazy to review my .blend file atm, :D. I just got done resolving a similar issue. I wanted to have a head of one model looking at another model, but my initial solution of using a null bone as a child of my head bone with an IK solver constraint, would always turn the head upside down and backwards.
The way I resolved it was to make an empty I placed at the origin of the bone I wanted to track to the object. I had the empty track, via CTRL-TKEY the look at point (another empty). I then put a Copy Rotation constrinat on my head bone with the source as this empty. Using the Track X, Y, Z, -X, -Y, -Z and Up X, Y, Z buttons on the Animations Buttons (F7) window in combination with this empty and constraint solved my problem. I did have to fiddle some with the initial orientation of the empty.
Hopefully this will give you some ideas how to deal with it if you haven’t fixed it already.
Have you tried Ctrl-N in pose-mode?
It rotates the roll angle of the selected bones to make the armature more consistent in animation. (try this before animating)
BTW I had a similar problem when I tried to animate a IK leg, I used an approach similar to zaz’s head but with a IK solver instead. I found that the track constraint does some strange twisting at certain angles, so the IK solver was more stable.