Ok, this is the newest piece. Less color than the last few(purposefully). Began as having OddBall alone in this white city. Then was playing around, added some coulds(Can you tell I like them? Tried a new technique this time: Meta-Balls), and thought “What if the coulds were raining BoxHeads?” Not ultra original, nor of any major technical value(though the screen-lag started to get pretty bad), but Im happy with it.
Im thinking now that when I feel Ive finished these(no certain number yet) Ill put them all together into one thread, so you can just see them all.
Usual drill, minor photoshop post-pro, blender internal with sub AO.
All comments and crits wanted, Please vote as you see fit.
its nice, and I can’t find anything in particular wrong with it, other then the lack of real originality, but since you were just playing around and such, no harm. I like the clouds, need to try that one day
@CD: ha, yeah, Ive actually got one in the works. I was just being lazy, pushing it back as long as possible @Alvaro: Thanks. Its true, they’re far from perfect(Im no master), but Im doing what I can, learning what I can… @Spiffy: hehehehe, Im sneakysneaky…
I just posted in one other thread and BAM! you’re there
Thats because he has no life. I think you need to experiment more with your style. We all have one, and yours is pretty unique, yet all the images in the set look the same…
experiment, all the cool kids are doing it.
you got a good concept - still like those box-heads and the one misfit ;p
but, I agree with Shamem, good expressions - but still not as good as your last
I think the thing is those clouds - they match the style, but they sorta take away from the quality of the image
3.4 stars, rounded up ;p
@Jacco: Hey, thanks a ton man! @Trak: hehe, glad you like it @Flurp: Thankyouthankyou
@'Ol Framey: Har har, your a poot. I actually had just refreshed, and, viola! a post…
As for my style, its true, I get on these runs, with lots of similar pieces. Im still ‘experimenting’ with variations of things…
Its harder than you’d think. @Jeeps: Yeah, That last one was really good…I actually only worked on this one for an hour or so(as compared to a few hours) but yeah, the last would be hard to top anyway.