This is very annoying. Halo faces, no matter where they’re placed on the model, will be inaccurately placed in the game unless they’re at the object’s center. Why does this happen? Can it be fixed a way other than having the halo as a seperate object?
If I understand your problem right, I believe it’s that halo faces rotate in relation to the object’s center, as opposed to their own…
I’m not sure you can fix this, but it bugged the heck out of me when I tried to do grass using billboard (same problem, though, I believe)
it is quite annoying…
try doing seperate meshes for the halos, and then just parent them to the main mesh…
Well that is what I do… hope there is another method someone can come up with.
They work correct.
Imagine what happens to your halo text if every face is rotated around its face center. Also gras wouldn’t fit anymore as quads are split into triangles.