I think I’ll start a thread with darker, more twisted versions of kid’s tales. I’ll obviously start.
Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s women and all the king’s men
Had an omlette of Dumpty again
Itsy-Bitsy Spider
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spider
THe spider drowned and nobody cares
Whenever spiders do that on stupid dares
Home Alone
A kid gets left home alone while his family vacations into the sun. He sees an old guy violating a younger kid, and soon, hungry because nothing in the house is edible, some thieves whack him over the head and give him to the old guy for improper burial.
The Three Little Pigs
A wolf’s tribe was getting hungry enough to eat cows, but since none of them were very kosher wolves, they sent the wolf over to a nearby pig village. He blew down two pigs’ houses, slaughtered them, and put them in a kettle with boiling water. The next one was harder, since the house was made of something strong, but the wolf just kicked the door in, slaughtered the pig, and made some nice pork soup. It kept them fed for days, and eventually they had eaten so much pork soup that the wolves exploded.
A young princess was captured by a dirty old man and put into a castle for later, after all his other kids were “finished off.” She sent out a paper airplane with the words, “HELP! A DIRTY OLD MAN WANTS TO SCREW ME,” and a prince came by. However, because the prince slowly walked from Chicago to Russia (going east), she had hair long enough to cover the castle. When he found this out, he asked her to throw down her hair. She did, and it was braided, too. He started climbing, but she was on a diet, and soon fell to her death because she didn’t weigh enough. The old man captured the prince and had his way with him.
Goldilocks & The Three Bears
A kleptomaniac nicknamed Goldilocks broke into a house with a family of bears. However, they were out searching for hunney (not knowing that bees can’t write “Hunney” on their hives), so she was safe. She ate their porridge, slept (nude, since she was also a nymphomaniac) in their beds, and stole everything hoping to sell it. (Why do you think she’s called “Goldilocks,” because of her hair? It’s black, you idiots.) However, the bears came in soon, but she shot them with a gun she produced out of thin air, and sold their skins for money.
Okay, your turn.