Off to sea

This original was only a material test for water, but it turned out quite nice. I got the ship from the model respitory, so its not mine. This was just a quick test for my water material in a material library im making.

Your water material looks quite good in places. More lights could be added to give the see more shine.


I like the composition and lighting but the materials don’t do it for me. Te water doesnt look right, probably because the boat seems not to be floating in it but rather simply resting on top of it. The hull should be at least half way down in the water, if not more

like i said, i got this model from online. the way it was set up, I would need to change it a bit to make it look right. The hull was too shallow to allow the boat to sink in to deep. I am going to change, however currently I have a headache so i’m going to go get some rest. Thanks for the crits, but I am most concerned with the water material (not to be picky or anything, crits are great).

looks like it’s sailing through a sea of broken ice and slush.