off-topic forum

Hey everyone,

I’ve had several requests to make a better seperation between off-topic and on-topic chat. he moderators and I thought this was a good idea, especially with the amount of off-topic chat taking place lately.

Therefor I’ve now created this off-topic forum for all off-topic discussion to take place. So from now on all Computer Graphics or elYsiun related chat will go on in the the “elYsiun Chat” forum, any off-topic chat will go on in the “off-topic Chat” forum.

Thanks and Greetings,

yay :smiley:

since most of the on-topic threads go off-topic, you just loaded another shepherds task on your head. :smiley:

great Kib_Tph!!! :o

and what a good forum it is :slight_smile:

it is cool to see so many topics of peoples expressing themselves


Thanks for digging this up Dbm…I really thought there was an announcement being made :confused:

oh man, dmb… :-? …i was like “where the hell’s the new forum!!!11” - and then i read desoto’s post… :x

do not dig up old threads if you dont want your balls cut off. :-?

Oooh, are all the front-row tickets sold yet?

Maybe this will take some of the heat off of me for digging up dittohead’s “First Off Topic” post.

Please stop digging up old posts.

Oooh, are all the front-row tickets sold yet?[/quote]

i really sorry, but yes…they were all gone the first 10 minutes after i opened my ticket booth… :frowning: ( :stuck_out_tongue: )