Trying to make an office scene. I will be glad to your help and advice.
I think the biggest factor making the desired result different from your current scene is the environment outside the door. Right now your scene looks like the door leads to a hallway or something like that. The outdoor environment is also contributing to the lighting a lot, which is another big difference between what you want and what you have right now. So, I suggest trying to recreate the outdoor environment in order to make your scene closer to your desired image.
The models and textures are very nice though.
that’s the problem, I don’t know how to add an HDRI map.
I watched it, thanx. And I have the same HDRI map as in the video, lol. Outdoor backgound is the last stap of that scene and I’m trying to make it look good.
It’s not only a background, it’s also source of light to lit your entire interior scene.
Of course. And another problem is that I can’t see anything in rendering mode because of all that noise. lol, It is hard to put the light correctly because of this.
Try using Area lights at the windows and set them to ‘portals’.
Looks good! I would suggest to use Filmic colormanagement to tune down the clipped highlights a bit.