Playing around with shrink-fat and subsurf modelling, I came up with this. THe first time I did vertex painting too. Came out pretty neat I think. I’m not really sure why light seems to go through it, or the inside seems to be lit up so easily, though.
Pretty cool. I’d turn off the nor on that eye though, and maybe sink it into the head a bit more. Good to see someone else is using the vertex paint tool. You might also like the tex paint tool, which can achieve finer results without a bunch of subdivisions, but you’ll have to look really hard for it: Go into the UV editor, and strectch the UV screen full width. There is a paintbrush button <<edit>> (actually it looks like a pencil) on the right, which is the tex paint tool. Vertex paint is how I did the banana skin on my banana btw.
Looks good so far, but I would suggest a little more definition in the face. Its a little hard to tell what it is just now. Also, the eye looks really flat, like the mapping got screwed up or soemthing…
My god… it’s a potatoe with an eye.
with a mouth and two theeths
Heh, it is potato-like isn’t it? Anyway, as for the mapping in the eye, the eye is an icosphere with part of it pulled out (the cornea) and vertex painted, and then sort of ‘twisted’ into the eye ‘socket’… (actually I pulled the face up around the eye, there was a slight depression there).
I don’t really intend to go any farther with this model, it really was an accident of playing with a mesh until it looked like something. Then I discovered vertex painting and all hell broke loose.
Darnit. The crits made me fiddle, and I came up with something much better, I think. Stupid crits. Stupid sexy blender.
I like it. Now he needs a body, and maybe add a couple of textures in the world buttons.
thats scary as hell
pretty cool too, i want to see ears =) and a tiny body with giant hands and feet
Much better. Make it toonshaded, it has perfect shape for a toon ogre.
very cool, i like the update you did to give the nose a bit more texture, and the definition can be seen more now, i second with blengine too, little body big limbs would make this character really complete