Hey guys, I was modelling a head, when suddenly it took on the likeness of,…the KING! oh noo! it’s Elvis! And it’s not just from one angle either. It’s any angle. I guess I will just finish him that way.
great start dewd
I love to have the .blend file so I could do lip synch the first line of any of his songs. Good work.
Thanks guys, and I’ll put up the blend for you soon.
interesting modeling method
can i see it without sub-d unless you didnt use sub-d.
Yep sure I will un-sub him, and put him up. as soon as I finish this pizza
Here ya go.
Wow! Great start! My heads never turn out that well. Cant wait to see it finished
He looks freaking awesome. Only thing is, I think he looks a little older than he was. I think it’s because of those wrinkles…
Maybe his spirit is using you to bring him back to life…Had any strange dreams lately?
fans self with hand
nice keep up the good work
Thanks guys. And here you go Desoto. A high poly object with radio. I had to reduce the polys on the cheeks because he was getting some minor uglification.
Love the brow lines. looking at just your first post and the angle, that could be an easter island elvis . Will his mouth open?
I modelled it closed, but I can always open it. I figure first I’ll worry about making him an ear. Just about ready to ear him.