This is very much in the vein of this sticky, but right now I’m feeling the need to further gripe about this topic.
Why to people always try to start some collaborative project before their good enough to even contribute to their own project? I would think the right time to start your own CG collaborative project is when your very skilled at CG yourself. If you don’t have CG or programming skills, then you need to have incredible game design or administration skills. Most of the newbies posting the ridiculous project propositions don’t have any of those. Thus are in absolutely useless to any project and certainly in no position to attempt being an online game development leader.
One has to be totally absent minded to propose a giant project when they themselves have no skills. What person with any skills would want to jump on board to a project led by a person with no skills?
But it’s not just a project their starting… THEY START HUGE PROJECTS. “hey I want to make a CG feature length film! Who wants to help!? Oh, and it may be worth mentioning that I myself can’t even model an ass cheek. But my thread posting skills are unsurpassed so I’d make an excellent project leader.”
Sometimes I too dream about starting an online collab project, but my vision is always more like a 2 minute CG short with maybe two characters and no voices/lip sync animation. But I would never act on it because I know I’m a crap animator, and can’t be weak at anything to lead a project like that. If I ever saw a collab project that was consise, slightly planned, and tangible being led by someone with extensive skills I would offer my sole to them for free.
So if there are any starry eyed newbies with dreams of their own Half-Life 2 grade FPS on their brain… please stop for a moment and consider this: If you could make 3-5 clones of yourself at your current skill level, what kind of work would you and your team of clones be able to produce in 6 months? IMO that is about the BIGGEST you should be dreaming for an online collab if not much smaller.
Yes, damn these newbies for their ambition and imaginations.
p.s It’s just part of people’s nature and learning, and if they want to decide to try anyway disregarding the more experienced forum-goers advice, more fool them. And if they succeed and earn pots of £££, more fool us.
eh, it’s not ambition they have. Just very short term rushes of inspiration. It doesn’t urk me in any way. I could care less. It has nothing to do with wasting their time, and everything to do with wasting their inspiration. If they could channel that inspiration toward a more tangible goal (or toward learning for that matter) then we’d probably see more finished stuff. I’m not saying “damn them for having such inspiration!” I understand its easy to become inspired all of the sudden. I’m just saying it would be cool if they took that rush of inspiration used it to learn some actual CG. Then i would have more skilled CG teens to collaborate with.
No matter how many times we complain, we’ll always run into niave kids who want to create the next big thing. They’re out to prove you wrong when you tell them they won’t be successful. Sometimes that desire to prove you wrong drives them to become successful in their project–like in my case a year or two ago with the ‘HotD’ project. The simple fact is that we can only sit back and watch their projects fall apart. Expirience leaves a greater bite than threats.
So, in short, your anger is rather unwarrented, but not innappropriate.
I don’t mean to sound angry about this because as I said before it doesn’t irk (but I mispelled it ) me. I meant for this to be more of a complaining rant than an angry/irritated one. I figured nothing is really warranted in the off-topic forum anyway.
orchid did you ever stop to think alot of them are just kids? we were the same when we were kids. dont assume everyone online is an adult, and software that can make games and cartoons is right up the average kids alley. and we were all kids and noobs once upon a time, even ton.
Because sometimes Kbot seems like he’s failing the turing test and communicating on the level of a spam bot.
The best thing to do sometimes if they ignore your pleas is to sit back and watch them fail after spending 6 months on models and not getting any sort of gameplay done. They’ll learn by then.
ok well I didn’t mean to sound like the big bad dream crusher everyone. I’m sorry to sound like a big party pooper. The truth is I’m a starry eyed teenager also, with dreams of my own.
But mostly I’m sorry that I irritated dyf so much by mixing they’re with their.
any dreams that would be quasi on topic and related to blender3d/technology/internet or something else sort of related to what you were attempting to crush so mercilously! (please note my attempt and good humor kidding and playing here - but i’m serious about my question, if you’d be so inclined to share. )