I’m not new to Blender, just the animation system.
I was wondering if there is a way to easily change keyframe’s positions without having to go into the ipo editor. Like is there any way to do that in the timeline? I just think it is a real pain in the @$$ to have to constantly back and forth go from the 3d window into the ipo window.
… And you can also save window setups and create new ones with the dropdown list box beside the help menu . Click on the double arrows beside the “SR-2 Model” and there is a preset SR-1 Animation setup you can use.
LazyCoder: That’s a good suggestion, and I started to add it to the Request page, but it’s not really necessary. Just split your 3D window horizontally, change the new to an IPO window, switch to K mode, and collapse your timeline window to just a header. Left clicking in the IPO changes your frame, and of course right-clicking selects the keyframe.g
EDIT: Oh yea, another thing, would it be possible to change the position of a keyframe with all the bones of an armature, instead of having to do one at a time?