Ok this is going to sound really noobish but...

I’m not new to Blender, just the animation system.

I was wondering if there is a way to easily change keyframe’s positions without having to go into the ipo editor. Like is there any way to do that in the timeline? I just think it is a real pain in the @$$ to have to constantly back and forth go from the 3d window into the ipo window.

You can split the window so you can view both at the same time by right clicking between the file bar and the 3d window and clicking split are.

… And you can also save window setups and create new ones with the dropdown list box beside the help menu . Click on the double arrows beside the “SR-2 Model” and there is a preset SR-1 Animation setup you can use.


LazyCoder: That’s a good suggestion, and I started to add it to the Request page, but it’s not really necessary. Just split your 3D window horizontally, change the new to an IPO window, switch to K mode, and collapse your timeline window to just a header. Left clicking in the IPO changes your frame, and of course right-clicking selects the keyframe.g


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K mode? Never heard of that, but sweet. That makes things so much easier. Thanks.

Another happy customer -yea!- Coder Smurf. (there is already a lazy smurf, and you’re not him). K = Keyframe mode in the IPO window.

Uh… huh…:confused::confused:

EDIT: Oh yea, another thing, would it be possible to change the position of a keyframe with all the bones of an armature, instead of having to do one at a time?

You can change keyframes on all the bones at once if you use the action editor.