This is extremely irritating. I’m trying to load up an old cache, but of course after every friggen’ click, the thing keeps trying to update the high res sim, AND THAT TAKES FIVE BLOODY MINUTES!
Is there ANY way to get the smoke sim to just NOT do ANYTHING unless I click BAKE??? I don’t know why anybody would want it to auto update the high res every time they tried to play their animation. Is there any computer out there that can actually do that???
If you load it in anyway, can’t you leave it out of the file for the time you make other things and load it back in at the end? Or didn’t I understand you correctly?
Does the computer simulate the smoke all over again after each click, or does it “just” take a while to move around, etc. but the computer isn’t actually doing anything?
I have similar problems with my simulations but I just simulate and nothing else, so I just kill the files, maybe even deactivate the domain, just to move around in the scene, but I guess that’s not an option for you.
Honestly, I’m not sure what the computer is doing. It takes FOREVER to scrub through the frames on the low res, and the high res doesn’t even show up (it says it can’t find the cache files even though they’re RIGHT THERE).
I figure the way I’ll work in the future is just bake the low res, then let the high res calculate during render time. If I start a render in the middle of the sequence without the high res calculated in the frame BEFORE, will that cause problems? Or does the high res only consider what is on that particular frame’s low res cache?
Did you rename your cache, or the blend file? Otherwise I have no idea, why he wouldn’t find the simulation files.
If you have all your low smoke simulation files, it could work to calculate the high resolution smoke just for certain frames. But if you simulate by rendering I’m not sure whether the high resolution smoke files will get saved correctly or not.