A painting for a friend. She has a picture of an old barn she really likes. So I painted a portrait of it for her.
I would also like to know people’s opinion on using a projector. Some people told me this is cheating. I could hand draw the barn from a photo but it is time consuming. Using a projector I’m able to take the orginal photo and project it on the wall. Then trace the image in pencil, and paint from that. Is this cheating, haha. :eyebrowlift2:
well, it sure aint painting, its called Traceing IIRC.
though of corse, if its only the end result youre after not the fun of painting, then by all means “cheat”.
Heck no it’s not cheating. Lots of artists do that. Actually before projectors they used to use a camera obscura, (Vermeer used a camera obscura) or they used a grid of squares, then drew what’s inside each square. It’s tedious, but it’s great for keeping things in proportion. Even Da Vinci used this method.
thank you for the valuable input, even though my work seemed to anger someone, not pointing any fingers:rolleyes: …(Felix_Kütt):eek: , haha:D
big thanks to readteam, and roofoo for the compliments:ba:
but i think plantperson says it best, It’s a legitimate technique, but learning to do perspective without aid is invaluable to any artist.:yes:
i couldnt agree more with this statement, which i do have the skill to produce this type of work without photo aid:yes: , or without projector aid:yes: , but with these things you can save a lot of time.