I’m finally getting some decent content together for my website. Here’s a promo for ‘Flip’, my avatar…
Looks great. It has a comic book feeling to it. Maybe some word bubbles would look good.
Is there some sort of story or something? Otherwise the top text seems irrelavent to the picture.
But other than that its very nice. Nice colors!
Very cool
Great! He’s got alot of character. Animation, animation!
There’s no story yet - the movie poster style just seemed a fun thing to do. I’m working on a range of similar characters and hopefully a story will ‘pop’ into my head eventually.
No Crits! I think it’s perfect
Im not usually impressed by Toon shaded stuff but I love this.
GREAT!!! , a good idea with excelent execution.
Can you post more facial expresions? they are realy funny.
very cool, i hope you make a movie!
Can you post more facial expresions? they are realy funny.
As requested…
Expect more from Flip soon!
LOL, that is a wonderful charechter
And here’s all of Flip, posed and ready to go. Please tell me what you think of the character and the render style. Crit it to within an inch of its life - I’m aiming to eventually put a short together using Flip and possbly one other character so this your chance to shape how it looks!
Cheers 'til next time.
EDIT: sorry, uploaded an uncompressed image 1st time round
cool! love the facial expressions, espesially the “lights on. no one home.” one, it must be a hard expression to do, because to me, he actually looks zoned out
This guy is great! He has a lot of potential to be a favourite kids character. I reccomend getting the story to pop into your head as soon as it can! There is a lot of kids 3D out there at the moment, all different and all appealing to a large audience with lots of indulgent parents and relatives. Your’s will do well with the right blend of humour and moral lesson.
This is the best character I have seen around here yet. And you have he talent to make him live, I just love it
That coffee expression really did it for me, I was just laughing my head off
The expressions remind me a lot of the Vegetales characters from Big Idea, and they are going great guns. You have definitely got talent.
Is he available for download somewhere? I’d love to look at how you’ve rigged him.
I had a great idea, make teeny-tiny versions of those facial expressions and bug the hell out of Timothy to get him to put them up here as elysiun emoticons…Sure would be a laugh
Hey, pretty cool response. Thanks, Guys and Gals.
i posted ‘Flip’ on CGTalk and got a good feedback there too, though people seemed to think the head and body didn’t go together too well. I’ve messed around with a couple of new deas but to be honest I think he’s fine as he is. What do those CGTalkers know anyway eh?
I had a great idea, make teeny-tiny versions of those facial expressions and bug the hell out of Timothy to get him to put them up here as elysiun emoticons…Sure would be a laugh
I’ll certainly make and post some more expressions. I’m sure if the folks here at Elysiun are interested in such a thing they’ll let me know. The ‘Flipicon’ has a nice ring to it… or maybe an ‘Emotiflip’.
Is he available for download somewhere? I’d love to look at how you’ve rigged him.
Flip himself isnt available im afraid, but if you go to www.flippyneck.com and click on the little black and grey man in the ‘downloads’ section, you can dl another character who is rigged in the same way as Flip.
I’m currently working on some walk cycles, trying to get a feel for how the character moves around, then on to designing a couple more characters. I think that you guys could have a point when you say this style is suited to kids’ stuff - simple designs, bright colours and all that. (Anyone notice how Flip’s colours pretty much match the Blender logo? ) I’m quite busy at the mo. but I’ll post my progress as I go along. In the meantime thanks again for the feedback, it’s amazing how a couple of words of encouragement can make you feel like getting up and doing some more blending.
'Til next time.
Thanks for pointing me to the other rig. I actually downloaded it last night after reading another one of your posts.
Oh btw, I prefer Flip’s second colour scheme to the first. The extra white trim and other details really sets him off.
I’m going to run him by my three kids tomorrow, they are 6, 8 and 10 and should give you a good cross section of the children demographic!
yeah, yeah, those cgtalkers know nothing, it’s great as it is Actually he seems to me like he is just a head, which sits on a robot