Old Classic Games...

So, since I like these oldies, I decided to make a thread about them. Do you like old games? In my opinion some of them are more fun and playable than the new games.

But now for a question… it’s about King’s Bounty (that HOMM series “prequel”) since i like the HOMM style games, I want to know: Is this game freeware? I can find it on many sites marked as freeware, but those are all completely new sites which I don’t trust, so… I need to know. Is it freeware or not?

I play a number of old games… I’m a big fan of Tetris. (I play Gnometris)
Also I love Sim City 2000. It’s quite possibly the best Sim City… a lot less frustrating micromanagement than 3000, less of a resource hog than 4 (which I haven’t played), plus it has catchy tunes! Is there anything better than catchy tunes?

Heh… Your Zark game sounds a lot like Zork. Just mentioned because Zork is old. And good game, from what I’ve heard. For those who have never played old games, I could list a few games which have been released free.

a few games and remakes
-Enemy Nations
-X-COM: UFO2000 ( a multiplayable remake of X-COM)
-Freelords (A kind of warlords remake, fun when playing hotseat)
-Akalabeth, aka Ultima 0
-Ultima 5
-King’s Quest remakes

I’ll put more later…

Transport Tycoon Deluxe
( thank goodness for OpenTTD! )

MARIO 4 LIFE…:cool:

No connection… when I came up with the name Zark, I’d never even heard of Zork. I have played it now, a little bit anyway. I didn’t like it very much, I guess I’m too wimpy for it, gotta have some sort of graphics to be happy.

I like Nethack though, for whatever that’s worth.

Super Mario World + Ninja Gaiden = Awsome.

Now if I can only port the XBCD drivers to Linux, I’d be set.

Super Mario Bro’s
Time Crisis
Does Timesplitters Grand Theft Auto or Grand theft auto 2 count?