Old petrol pump

Here is something I have been playing with but will put aside now. After reading this forum a lot I decided that I should contribute something since it has been a long time since last time I did.
It was rendered by yafray. I have a problem with the glass column. If I enable shadows in the material setting I get a solid shadow. Disabling it gives me nothing at all. I need something in between. I tried some IOR and caustic stuff but am probably not familiar enough with it to get a predictable result.
Cheers Alex

try this… copy a your spot and put it on another layer… then make sure it says layer in the spot settings… make sure both the tube and the background exist in that layer as well… and use that spot for a subtle shadow. O and make sure it’s a shadow only spot.

doesnt look like yafray at all to me…

in fact, no offense, but it doesnt look much like a noil pump either…

col materials though…

Looks pretty good to me, but the thing that throws me is the transition between the painted wood, and the background. Somehow, you need to give the wood a realistic edge.

macouno: thanks for the tip. But I don’t get that to work in Yafray. Maybe better of with blender render anyway. But I liked the reflections in the glass column better in Yafray.

modron: Yeah the angle of the camera was a bit unlucky.


Thanks for the C&C