Old tree

The purpose of this scene is for a model (real person) to sit on that big branch or interact with the environment somehow

The tree is created with NgPlant because Blender’s sapling can’t give me what i wanted
NgPlant is really bad when it comes to random control, so the more complex the tree is, the harder to control the randomness of it’s branches, so i create a simple tree with main branches, then i create another small tree with leaves and then use particle system to put the small tree on the big tree.

For the grass, though i got my own grass models but i used Evermotion’s grass model.

Instead of getting rid of the gab between the big branch and the trunk, i just put ivy on it to cover it up

looks good so far, very cool sceen, it makes me think of a story…don’t know what, just a good feeling there.

Scene looks nice, very atmospheric :slight_smile:

I’m curious how you made those ‘blue fireflies’, are they just uv spheres with emission and glare filter in compositing? And I agree that blender sapling generator isn’t very good when it comes to such trees with really ‘thick branches’. Maybe you can take a look at Arbaro, it’s a tree generator too, coded in Java. I have never used ngPlant though, so I can’t really say if Arbaro would be better for your project.

yep, the fireflies are just spheres, i could do this in photoshop, but i want the fireflies to contribute light in the scene

The scene is pretty much finished, but i think i’m gonna make some more tweaking