Happy New Years from my family to yours!!
Much obliged!
Happy new year to you too!
New model for 3d print. It will be my largest model so far. It should be around 20 inches long and 8-10 inches tall.
All the parts are finally printed and I am starting to glue and primer. For reference the wheels are 3 inches across.
Wow, can’t wait to see the end result!!
Did a quick dry fit to make sure everything lined up. Surprisingly everything did. Now the tedious task of putting the track together.
Looking good, but how much filament did that take?
I hate to say it, but it took 2 and a half rolls of filament.
Nice textures. Is it procedural edge wear?
And now a shotgun shell container. I’ll throw into the printer tomorrow.
Just a pretty render. I’ll print in PLA at around 12 inches tall.
Print these out, fill em with candy, spray paint with a nice metallic finish, and hand them out to trick or treaters on Halloween. The kids and the local police will love you
You forgot to mention the parents!
They have all been printed between 8-12 inches tall.
lol. I will not be giving these out for Halloween but they will be going out to friends as gifts.
Oni mask decoration for my hobby room. Printed at around 9" tall and I still need to do some post processing to smooth it out. Made a cnc pattern from it as well for the heck of it.
Blender used for visualizing some woodworking projects. Not CAD but at least can give you an idea of what is possible. Making this in hard maple and purple heart.
Foldable fresh pasta drying rack.
The cnc carved patterns will be AI generated pasta themed patterns.
Hard maple and purple heart with cnc carved AI generated pasta themed patterns. Folds up for storage. Still needs to be finished but haven’t decided what to use; mineral oil, lacquer or tung oil. Proportions slightly different than design.
I am now on my 3rd iteration of the prints. They have been popular with friends and family.
The newest addition to the line up: A Little Boy candy jar. Though I will be remodeling and reprinting. I printed the first version at 8" tall and it just feels small compared to the other jars. Need to increase its candy carrying capacity.
Fat Man candy jar will be next on the list.
P.S. Fat Man