the other software forum sucks whilst it blows, 'cause this is really a “support issue” right!
sheesh… I just don’t get why stuff like this gets moved from news and discussion to this hole!
Waiting impatiently for MeshMixer on Linux.
I just don’t get why stuff like this gets moved from news and discussion to this hole!
agreed- I’m still bitter about my MyPaint announcement getting moved months ago
Seems like a cool app, agree also on waiting for a Linux version…
I wasn’t the mod that moved this thread (I don’t think), but my guess is that with only the sparse text of the OP’s title and only a youtube link, the mod that moved this thread probably thought it was more support related.
That said, we’ll try to do a better job of keeping support threads here and announcements in the News & Discussion forum. However, I really hope that we can find some way to adjust the perception of this forum. It’s not the grotto that many seem to think it is.
Hey! That is pretty neat. I only have the first version of Meshmixer. Guess it’s time to upgrade!
Very impressive to see dynamic sculpting like on Sculptris !
Can’t try it yet on my system, but i wonder if it will be able to support more facecount than Sculptris before performance drop.
Not bad, but not quite Scultpris yet. Looks really promising.
Only thing is the two brushes look like boobies. lol