On a ship on a drak night....


Here is a ten minute project that I am quite proud of…
it was made on a boring day after a boring school exam.

Note: the ship is a 2d silhouette currently.


Nice Scene. Can you specify how the reflections are made?

I think you should make the backround black (since it is a night scene.) And maybe give a bit of colour to the water, however the specular does look very nice, and overall it’s not to bad.

The water was made with a black plane. The reflections are thanks to ‘hard-noise’ as a bump map.
Then the plane was subdivided and randomized slightly to make the bigger ‘waves’

Things changed:
Darked the sky more (I agree, but not quite black, you need to see the ship)
add a glow around the moon. (because you can’t see stars it must be foggy)


Nice work!
I would also make the ropes less straight… affect them with gravity.

hmmm I see your point about wanting to see the ship, maybe you should make it a blend, so that it looks like the sun is rising or something… Other than that, I love the new glow around the moon.

Work on ropes started, will be done in a day or so

Alright, finished some of the ropes now.
Might do some research into how the rigging actually was.


Good idea JayDez, I’ve just added a blend from light gray to black on the horizon, which means you can see the ship well, but makes the scene look overall darker.
I don’t think I will add more rigging, as it might detract from the appearance of the image by making it to complex.

Thanks for all the advice.


Looks very good sdfgsdfg.

:rolleyes: In fact, with such a scene in my head, I wonder if I would make intense use of 3D…
Maybe obtain sea, background, reflects and boat on different layers, then play with compositing?

I don’t have much experience with compositing as I tend to do more game work than image work on blender, but it is a very good suggestion.
Anything in particular I should try to do?

I don’t have proper idea neither :slight_smile:
But huge part of the scene could be simply “flat” (I think everything but the water and reflection).

Only once did I use blender only to render a shadow, wich I saved in PNG and used in GIMP.
Hence I am no good advice for this task. Only I have bad new for now I think:
is reporting that

The entire compositing functionality is gone.

Success anyway: let us know

I hate those drak nights:) On a more serious note your night is a bit too dark even by simply reducing the blackness of the sky to a dark blue or purple, or maybe even introducing some dramatic clouds would be a great starting point to enhance the image. You composition isn’t necessarily that bad, I don’t think it needs a great deal of rearranging, I quickly did a google image search of ‘boat horizon moon’ and it threw up some interesting images, you might get some inspiration on how to improve it. Good luck.

Interesting, I hadn’t thought about trying a colored sky, and I would do clouds but I have this problem with making them…
Anyway I changed the sky color a bit and way prefer it. Thanks for the comment.

I looked under Google for boat horizon moon night but didn’t find much particularly inspiring.
