On the haunt: I'm coming after you. ha ha aha ha aha h :

This is the On the Haunt thread for anoucements. To help me bug test the html code I will need somebody to take screenshots of the page to show me if the images are jumbled up and what not, as I am on mac OSX and windows comaptibilty is a FREAK"N pain at times.

Till next then … ^v^ MAy your blood run cold … ha ha ha haha hash hasahb sasb habshabshhahahahahahahaha ajahha

New edit

BIG FAT EDIT 10/14/03


Their is is method I will use for now. It still need lots of clean up.
[list=]SSI shtml
Php compress
CSS clean up
find out if you can see the PNG images on the site
find a fishy
GET IMAGES hint hint*
Blogg format for on site comments.



aheem :-? ?

Working on the rules.

Make :
To post images and or music, movies, and flash. Please zip your file and put a read me file in the zip folder to explain which category you would like to try in. If you do not it will be placed where it seems fit. You may post up to five pieces of work on the contest. You may also resubmit an updated piece of work up until OCT 30, 2003.

You can use ANYTHING. Even paint. This is just a showcase of halloween evil and fun. As for blender. You must show a wire-frame screen shot of your blender screen with the model in it to qualify for the blender only contest area.

You may make music, movies and flash. But they must be loaded from your server. As bandwidth is a major concern in this madness. The images maybe no bigger than 800x800. And may not be .png. While I love png they are just to heavy a size still. even with super png. If you can some how get the image to a size of less than 300kb that is fine.
A file size maybe no larger than 300kb unless you want it to be linked to your own server. Then that will be fine.

And please for you own good and safety of work. Please “Watermark” your images. Otherwise somebody might steal your image and try to use it for evil purposes. Heh but this is a contest of evil. Weird eh ?

No gore. No pr0n. No ads. No sign of dUrgs. No ssx. No stealing. No abuse.
Violence is ok as in a fight like many animes and such. No gore. No pr0n. No ads. No sign of dUrgs. No ssx. No stealing. No abuse. That is all.
Anything else is fine. ^v^ . Unless I missed one .

The categories are as follows .

The cute. Make anything that is cute and cuddly but still miss placed.

Evil , muh hahga ha ha ah ahah ha. Anything that is mean and rude. Think for example : world destructo machines and daemons. BUT ! No gore ! Gore is described as a view of the insides of whatever body of mesh. You know what I mean . Don’t do it . Otherwise your image will not be seen. Simple as that.

Good Lord what on earth is that
Yes the icky freaky image. Still no gore. But anything else goes. Like snot monsters and slime coming out of eyes .

This is the abstract area. Yes anything that makes no sense at all. And most likely came from goofing the mesh and or photoshop up in some form of madness while editing. Think glitches that you just erase, This time though please post them as they have their own happy spinning feeling to them.

Stringy hair, laughing, poking, Messy going out of your mind tripping kicky phyco dramatics . NO sign of DUrgs. No gore.

No gore. No pr0n. No ads. No sign of dUrgs. No ssx. No stealing. No abuse.
Violence is ok as in a fight like many animes and such. No gore. No pr0n. No ads. No sign of dUrgs. No ssx. No stealing. No abuse. That is all.
Anything else is fine. ^v^ . Unless I missed one .[/b]

Yay!!! A cute category, I can’t do scary :frowning:

I’ve got some nice ideas for sorta cute…wrong…evil…you know the usual teddybear…


:< :< I can not edit my top post. So I hope you see this way down here.

This is an alpha of the site. Trying to do it all in CSS so I can just switch the style sheets to change the interface.


It has some CSS background trick to stay in place. I am not to happy with it. What do ya think ?
I will have the ftp upload in a bit.
But just start loading your links to your images from wherever so I can replace the bullet image. BUT ! make sure you “WATERMARK” your image, as there a bunch of other contests out their and somebody might steal your work. You have been warned.

Unless you hate me and my efforts I am the Masta of this site this year. So please help me out if ya like , I need all the help I can get. But I do know bitas of everything.

^v^ oooo weeeeeee CSS html hellll,m,mx.,mm.,m, .,zm.c,/z.,l/z.

If I were you I would tone down the site a little, but seeing as how its a haloween contest…I guess thats not very important.

Okay comment taken . I am working on a CSS style sheet change method so you can have fun looking site , or scary site , and more. But I need images as my ibook can only do so much.

Can you help with stock images ? Like trees and bats and sthuff like that .

and monkeys oooOoO oOooooo oO oO ^O^

Very nice, i find the fixed background (CSS fixed?) and the fact that I have to scroll the screen sideways a bit… disturbing… but again, that’s me and I’ve never posted anything for the contest… so i have no voice…

(someone’s been watching cowboy bebop and posted images of ed on their site? :D… or is sleep catching up with me and I am starting to hallucinate… :-? now i feel stoopid )

Okay, I read the rules for this year but didn’t see it stated or I missed it.
For the Blender only, are we allowed to post process or is it literally Blender only? :-?

Post process away ! To your hearts content. ! But for blender proof , Please send a wire frame screenshot of the work screen in bender, to qualify for “blender used” proof.

I will update the rules,
Cowboy ! ! ! o!ow wow ow oweowowoow wowwoow wowooo woooo wooo

Don’t like the scrolling thing ay ? Ok I will get rid of it. I was just trying to think of some dynamic stuff that will be cross compatible.

Also I will make a more conformed page to.
night .
cowboy! wo wooo wooo ^o^

Hey all. Even though it does not look like I am doing anything. I am . And this contest only lasts another 16 days. So please get started. I will have another site up by tonight. But I am in school now.
As for gifts. I can buy something for 50$ . Can anyone else contribute a pize to the wheel ?

Orange told me that he had to prepare two months in advance for his other three contests. So I am edgeing it at this 16 day limit.

But I have soooooo much junk to do.

Ok in short. Site up tonight. Make pictures. Post in gallery forum. I will get get them from there for now. Or email them to me mailbox and make it go poof.
[email protected]

youngbatcat - I’m sure everyone appreciates your offer of a prize worth $50, but I’m also pretty sure that nobody feels like taking your money. At least I know if I won I wouldn’t accept the prize. Worry more about getting the contest together, and less about the “prize”. For most people around here, winning is enough. At least thats the feeling I get. If anyone disagrees…feel free to say so. I won’t speak for everyone, I’m just giving my impression of the crowd. Thanks! :wink:

I just want to get some votes, not even all of them, just some, okay more than last year would be nice. :smiley:

new site is at the top.
and here !

50$ item… A new fangled Mouse or something like that. Since a cake would not go through the mail to well.

^v^ I will think of something

What ? No takers ?
Should I tone down every single thing and just make boxes ? It is after all halloween . The time for weird stuff and vampire blood.

All I need are a few pics to replace the Cowboy pics with red paint on them. I will not paint red paint on the real contributes. Those are just place holders.

I want this to be a success somehow;.

Tell me what you want other wise I will just go off in an uncontrolable tangent.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Well, it looks pretty good youngbatcat.

I like to see that you incorporated the old ‘On the Haunt’ Logo. Maybe you could snaz it up a bit by adding a ‘soupy’ fog or something else around it.

The text in the text box is obscured a bit by the background making it hard to read.

I am not sure about the 5 or 6 categories idea. I would maybe keep it more like the old format, since there is only about 2 weeks left to go before the dead line.

Hope I can make something presentable in time.
Good luck everyone.

Categories is a bad idea unless you have 347 entries or so…

If I could steal some time form my job I would gladly help with 346 entries. :smiley:

Maybe I could scare you this time… beware… :< BWAHAHAHAHAHA <-Evil and psychotic laugh in case you didn’t notice

Advertise ! I will update tonight… Somebody make this sticky. And advertise at CGTALK. or whereever. We only have two weeks left. But I can get it going if there are some images sent. It will look like a real contest then.

No cati…Ok sure .

But still make scary stuff, and cute stuff.