Working on the rules.
Make :
To post images and or music, movies, and flash. Please zip your file and put a read me file in the zip folder to explain which category you would like to try in. If you do not it will be placed where it seems fit. You may post up to five pieces of work on the contest. You may also resubmit an updated piece of work up until OCT 30, 2003.
You can use ANYTHING. Even paint. This is just a showcase of halloween evil and fun. As for blender. You must show a wire-frame screen shot of your blender screen with the model in it to qualify for the blender only contest area.
You may make music, movies and flash. But they must be loaded from your server. As bandwidth is a major concern in this madness. The images maybe no bigger than 800x800. And may not be .png. While I love png they are just to heavy a size still. even with super png. If you can some how get the image to a size of less than 300kb that is fine.
A file size maybe no larger than 300kb unless you want it to be linked to your own server. Then that will be fine.
And please for you own good and safety of work. Please “Watermark” your images. Otherwise somebody might steal your image and try to use it for evil purposes. Heh but this is a contest of evil. Weird eh ?
No gore. No pr0n. No ads. No sign of dUrgs. No ssx. No stealing. No abuse.
Violence is ok as in a fight like many animes and such. No gore. No pr0n. No ads. No sign of dUrgs. No ssx. No stealing. No abuse. That is all.
Anything else is fine. ^v^ . Unless I missed one .
The categories are as follows .
The cute. Make anything that is cute and cuddly but still miss placed.
Evil , muh hahga ha ha ah ahah ha. Anything that is mean and rude. Think for example : world destructo machines and daemons. BUT ! No gore ! Gore is described as a view of the insides of whatever body of mesh. You know what I mean . Don’t do it . Otherwise your image will not be seen. Simple as that.
Good Lord what on earth is that
Yes the icky freaky image. Still no gore. But anything else goes. Like snot monsters and slime coming out of eyes .
This is the abstract area. Yes anything that makes no sense at all. And most likely came from goofing the mesh and or photoshop up in some form of madness while editing. Think glitches that you just erase, This time though please post them as they have their own happy spinning feeling to them.
Stringy hair, laughing, poking, Messy going out of your mind tripping kicky phyco dramatics . NO sign of DUrgs. No gore.
No gore. No pr0n. No ads. No sign of dUrgs. No ssx. No stealing. No abuse.
Violence is ok as in a fight like many animes and such. No gore. No pr0n. No ads. No sign of dUrgs. No ssx. No stealing. No abuse. That is all.
Anything else is fine. ^v^ . Unless I missed one .[/b]