This is our latest biomedical video for Cold Genesys - a biotech company developing a genetically modified virus to fight bladder cancer. All 3D scenes were done in Blender. Most of the fantastic cellular models and textures were developed by Robert Gutierrez, our dedicated 3D generalist.
Make sure you watch it in HD! Enjoy!
Alpha Tauri 3D Graphics produces short videos and medical animations for small biotech and pharma companies. With Blender we find our imagination is the limit!
Great to see another medical animator. The models are indeed fantastic and the overall look is quite nice too, clean and modern.
I don’t really use blender much unless I’m doing still images or perhaps product vis (syringes, vials etc.) where cycles can be allowed to come into its own without too much of a hit to render time. I’d love to use it for animation. But until blenders particle/simulation systems can be improved, or alembic import arrives (please please please) the benefits don’t outweigh the sacrifices that have to be made for any large scale project.
I’m interested to know how much you relied on post work, and if you did much, whether you did it within blender’s compositor. DoF and proper motionblur are extremely expensive on render time in cycles (well, any render engine but cycles especially it seems), and unless using blenders compositor, the outputs in mutilayer EXR files for depth, object ID etc. are not standardised compared to those of other renderers when it comes to using programs such as nuke or after effects which I’ve found frustrating to work around.
Good points, my biggest pain about particle system is glitches. If you have dozens of particle systems setup in the scene, some of them just stubbornly don’t show up after baking for some reason. Other then that, I love to work with boids and keyed particles - possibilities are endless!
No post-processing was done to the renders, I try to work consistently with the proper scene lighting, so no or minimal post processing is done. I also find internal DoF and motion blur the most convincing, and I simply don’t have time to separate render passes or work in external software afterwards. Time is money The cost of rendering was around $700 for this project, which was within projected budget.