One for the memory - inside Motor animation

I downloaded some of the tut from blender and i saw a picture somewhere of the inside of a motors with piston crank shaft and 2 cam shaft on top

does anybody remember if there was a tutorial done for this motor model:confused:

i’m trying to do the same but a diesel engine and i’m having problems with it may be this would help me:)

Tanks & Salutations

i remember it, and it was excellent. I’ve created a Blender/examples directory and am throwing everyone’s work in there, but I’ve searched and no files named motor. sorry. A diesel motor has like 3,451 parts, so good luck. It is probably sooooo out of date anyway, with all the armature rewrites it wouldnt run or help anyway. I would do bones for push rods and cranks and pistons to handle the knuckle rotation, and bones for the valves, so that when you stop it, or vary the rpm, it all stays connected and doesnt get out of sync and start backfiring and scaring your cat. oh, sorry. mixing blender and reality again.where are my meds…?

Hey, I like scaring the cat!

a search here for piston turned up this thread
it looks like some of the links still work I know its not the file your looking for but it may help. good luck.